What Can Web 2.0 Offer To The IAMIC Community?
IAMIC 2008 Conference
Brian Kelly gave a talk on "What Can Web 2.0 Offer To The IAMIC Community?" at the IAMIC annual conference which was organised by the Welsh Music Information Centre and held in the Wales Millennium Centre, Cardiff on 8-13th September 2008.
The talk took place in the session running from 11.15-12.45 on Thursday 11th September 2008.
In this presentation Brian Kelly will provide an introduction to Web 2.0. He will describe the key characteristics of Web 2.0, including applications such as blogs, wikis and RSS feeds, as well the concepts of 'the network as the platform' and open content. Brian will also cover 'the Social Web' and describe a number of popular social networking environments including Facebook and Ning.
Brian will describe some of the barriers to the deployment of Web 2.0, and discuss some of the ways these barriers can be addressed.
The talk will conclude by summarising some of the approaches to Web 2.0 which are being taken by IAMIC member organisations and inviting suggestions for additional areas in which Web 2.0 can benefit IAMIC members.
- Slides
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Biographical Details
Brian Kelly is UK Web Focus, a post funded by the
JISC and the
MLA which advises
the UK's higher and further education communities and museums, libraries and archives
sector on innovative technologies, standards and best practices to support use
of the Web.
Brian has been active in promoting the benefits of the Web since January 1993 when he helped to set up a Web site at the University of Leeds - possibly the first institutional Web sites in the UK higher education community and one of the first 50 Web sites registered at CERN.
In 1995 he moved from the University of Leeds to work as the senior trainer for the Netskills training organisation, based at the University of Newcastle. A year later Brian started work at UKOLN, a national centre of expertise in digital information management based at the University of Bath.
Over the past two years Brian has been active in promoting the benefits which Web 2.0 can provide to the cultural heritage sector and the higher and further education communities. In particular Brian has facilitated a series of workshops which provide an introduction to Web 2.0, examples of how Web 2.0 is being used in the cultural heritage sector and strategies for its deployment.
Brian's publications are available at the URL <http://www.ukoln.ac.uk/web-focus/papers/>. Brian also posts regularly on the UK Web Focus blog which is available at the URL <http://ukwebfocus.wordpress.com/>.
Web 2.0 Demonstrators for IAMIC Members
Example 1: Google Custom Search Engine
The following Google Custom Search Engine (GCSE) has been set up to search IAMIC member Web sites.