Globalisation Of Social Networks

About This Session

Brian Kelly is the facilitator and a speaker at a panel session on Transforming the Users Experiences - How Can Institutions Develop Innovative and Affordable Tools to Engage Increasingly Sophisticated Audiences at the JISC Digitisation Conference 2007 which was held on 19-20th July 2007 at St David's Hotel and Spa, Cardiff.


Brian Kelly will give a talk on "Globalisation Of Social Networks". In his talk Brian will describe how Web 2.0 is more than user generated content using blogs and wikis with an AJAX interface and RSS syndication. An important, but sometimes overlooked, aspect of successful Web 2.0 services is the network effect which global services can provide. From this perspective are attempts to provide Web 2.0 features on departmental, institutional or even national services doomed to fail? And if global services do provide benefits over more restricted services, how should we go about maximising the benefits and minimising associated risks, especially in the context of cultural heritage services.



Globalisation Of Social Networks and Networked Services
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Biographical Details

Brian Kelly's job title is "UK Web Focus". His remit is to support the higher and further education and cultural heritage communities in making effective use of Web technologies. His post is funded by the JISC and the MLA.

Brian is an experienced Web developer having set up his first Web site in January 1993 whilst working in the Computing Service at the University of Leeds. After spending a year as a Senior Trainer for Netskills. In November 1996 Brian moved to UKOLN - a national centre of expertise in digital information management which is located at the University of Bath.

Brian's current interests include standards for Web development, Web accessibility and Web 2.0 technologies.

Brian's email address is b.kelly AT