LILAC 2013 Conference
A proposal for a talk on When Staff and Researchers Leave Their Host Institution was presented at the LILAC 2013 Conference. The conference was held on 25-27th March 2013 at the University of Manchester Library, Manchester.
The talk was given from 10.25-10.55 on Wednesday 27th March 2013.
Note that this presentation is also available on the Slideshare repository and embedded below.
- Type:
- Short paper
- Themes addressed:
- IL and employability; Future-proofing the IL practitioner; Collaboration and partnerships
- Title:
- When Staff and Researchers Leave Their Host Institution
Abstract (up to 250 words)
The reductions in funding in the public sector will see a growth in redundancies and early retirements for those who may have expected to see their employment to continue. What challenges will people in this position have to address if they wish to maintain their scholarly interests and activities? What challenges will people in this position have to address if they wish to maintain their scholarly interests and activities?
In the context of information literacy, such challenges include maintenance of a digital identity which is independent of the digital identity defined by the host institution. In addition to the challenges posed by the importance of social media in a professional context, there will also be the need to be able to make use of IT when an IT infrastructure is not available.
In addition to issues related to the digital persona and IT infrastructure there will also be additional challenges posed by uncertainties regarded the ownership and sustainability of digital content, with risks that valuable digital content will be lost due to such uncertainties.
This paper describes how, in light of the JISC announcement that it will withdraw funding for the JISC innovation support centres at UKOLN and CETIS after July 2013 staff at these organisations are addressing these challenges and summarises approaches which may be of interest more widely.
The issues addressed in the paper will be of relevance to librarians who have responsibilities in managing the content owned by staff who leave an institution - as well as library staff who may find themselves in this position.
Description of presentation (up to 50 words)
In this talk Brian Kelly describes the challenges to be faced when, due to withdrawal of funding, one is faced with the challenge of continuing one's professional interests when a local institutional IT infrastructure is no longer available.
Biographical Details
Brian works for
the JISC-funded Innovation Support Centre (ISC) at UKOLN, University of Bath.
His responsibility is to advise the UK's higher and further community on ways of
maximising the potential of the Web.
Brian's work activities includes participation in the JISC Observatory project which helps to identify emerging technological developments. Brian presented a paper on "What Next for Libraries? Making Sense of the Future" at the EMTACL (Emerging Technologies in Academic Libraries) 2012 conference in Trondheim, Norway which summarised the work of the JISC Observatory.
In addition to his invited presentation in Norway, Brian has also given invited presentations at international conferences in Sweden, Taiwan, Singapore and Australia.
Brian makes extensive use of social media to support his professional activities. His UK Web Focus blog was launched in 2006 and he has published over 1,000 posts since then. The blog is complemented by his @briankelly Twitter account. He also occasionally still uses email!