Brian Kelly gave a talk on The Accessible Web at the Web Adept: UK Museums and the Web 2007 conference which was held at the University of Leicester on Friday 22nd July 2007.
The Web Adept conference will describe a variety of technology enhancements which are starting to be deployed in museum Web sites, such as exploitation of Web 2.0 technologies (e.g. 'mashups' and social tagging), user-generated content and virtual environments such as Second Life. But aren't such innovations likely to breach Web accessibility guidelines? And isn't there a legal requirement (and a ethical obligation) for public sector bodies to comply with such guidelines? In the concluding session of the day Brian Kelly will outline a 'holistic approach to Web accessibility' which was described at the recent Museums and the Web conference held in San Francisco, and describe how new accessibility guidelines (WCAG 2.0) can provide a more flexible framework for deploying new technologies.
The slides are also available on the Slideshare repository service.
Note that resources mentioned in this talk have been bookmarked using the ukmw07 tag in the social bookmarking service.
Brian Kelly is UK Web Focus - an advisory post funded by the MLA and the JISC (the Joint Information Systems Committee). Brian advises the cultural heritage sector and the higher and further education communities on standards and best practices for the provision of Web-based services. Brian is based at UKOLN, a national centre of expertise in digital information management, located at the University of Bath.