Library 2.0: Opportunities and Challenges
Brian Kelly gave an invited talk on Library 2.0: Opportunities and Challenges at the NDAP 2008 conference which was organised by the National Digital Archives Program Taiwan (NDAP). The conference was held on 18-20th March 2008 in Taipei, Taiwan. The 30 minute talk took place on 20th March in the session on "Library 2.0".
Following the initial excitement generated by Web 2.0 we are now seeing Web 2.0 concepts being adopted across many sectors, including cultural heritage. Libraries, with their responsibilities in providing access to information resources and engaging with their user communities, have been early adopters of Web 2.0, and the term Library 2.0 is now widely accepted.
But Library 2.0's emphasis of technologies such as blogs and wikis and use of externally-provided services such as Facebook, YouTube and, have caused sceptics to question the wisdom of this approach, with a reliance on third party services with whom there may be no formal agreements.
In this talk Brian Kelly will argue that dependencies on third parties is nothing new and that what is needed is an update to institutional approaches to risk assessment and risk management. Brian will describe a risk assessment and risk management toolkit which he is involved in developing which aims to ensure that institutions have considered the risks associated with use of Web 2.0 technologies and services and have identified strategies for dealing with the risks.
- Library 2.0: Opportunities and Challenges
- [MS PowerPoint 97/2000 format] - [HTML format]
Accompanying Resources
For a list of related resources please see the social bookmarking Web site (for the tag 'ndap-2008'):
- (Brian Kelly's bookmarks)
- (All bookmarks)
Biographical Details
Brian Kelly has been involved in Web development since January 1993, when he
helped to established a Web site at the University of Leeds (one of the first
institutional Web sites in the UK). Since 1996 Brian has been employed at UKOLN,
a national centre of expertise in digital information management based at the
University of Bath in the UK. His responsibility is to advise the UK's
higher and further community and the cultural heritage sector on ways of maximising
the potential of the Web.
Note that a TIFF image of Brian Kelly is also available.