Using Social Media at Conferences and Other Events: Backchannel, Amplification, Remote Participation and Legacy
Brian Kelly, UKOLN and Tony Hirst, Open University, co-facilitated a workshop session on Using Social Media at Conferences and Other Events: Backchannel, Amplification, Remote Participation and Legacy at the SpotOn London 2012 event held at the Wellcome Collection Conference Centre, London on 11-12th November 2012.
The session tonk place from 10.30-11.30 on Monday 12th November in the Franks Room.
The Twitter hashtag for the session was #solo12SMC
Note that a Google Document was created for note-taking at the event.
The term 'amplified conference' was coined to describe use of networked technologies to amplify discussions at an event and provide opportunities for audience which is not physically present to remotely participate. Amplification also extends to annotation, in which audience members can annotate a talk with comments and linked resource sharing. In the same way that conference proceedings and attendee lists provide a legacy resource associated with an event, so too can the backchannel archive, in the form of social media interest maps, and search-based resources (for example, search over participants' blogs or shared links, or search into video archives based on contemporaneous backchannel commentary).
Approaches such as Twitter event hashtags, video or audio streaming of talks and preserving conference resources such as slides, recordings of talks and Twitter archives for use after the event are now embedded within certain sectors of the research community, particularly events with a focus on open access and use of social media.
This participative session will provide an opportunity for participants to hear about emerging practices for amplification of events, including analysis of associated metrics. The session will also address potential barriers and concerns when event amplification may not be appropriate.
- Using Social Media at Conferences and Other Events: Backchannel, Amplification, Remote Participation and Legacy
- [MS PowerPoint format]
Note that the slides are also available from Slideshare and are embedded below.
A video recording of the sesion is available on YouTube and embedded below.
Twitter Archives
A number of archives of tweets containing the #solo12smc hashtag are available:
The contents of the Chirpstory archive are embedded below:
Biographical Details
Brian Kelly works
for the Innovation Support Centre (ISC) at UKOLN, a JISC-funded organisation which
supports innovation across the higher and further education sector.
Brian makes active use of a variety of social web tools. If you would like to read more about his professional activities you can subscribe to the UK Web Focus blog which is available at or follow his Twitter account - briankelly.
Brian was also the lead author for a paper on Using Networked Technologies to Support Conferences which outlined the need for a framework for the management of amplified events back in 2005. More recently he was the editor of a JISC-funded report on Best Practices for Event Amplification: a Greening Events II Report.