Brian Kelly gave a talk on Community-Led Activities for an online event organised by the JISC Emerge project from 11.00-12.00 on 7th June 2007.
The JISC-funded Emerge project is supporting the development of community-led activities. But what does this mean and why is this approach being taken? In this online presentation Brian Kelly will describe the approaches which are being taken by Emerge to support the Emerge Community of Practice. The presentation will describe similar approaches which are being taken in another Community of Practice (institutional Web managers) and explore how the approaches being taken might be applicable to the Emerge community.
Note that the presentation is also available on the Slideshare and is embedded below (in browsers with support for Flash):
The PowerPoint slides are licensed under a
Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.0 UK licence.
Resources mentioned during this workshop will be bookmarked in the social bookmarking services using the tag jisc-emerge-2007-06-07.