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Personal or Institutional Use of Social Web Services For Scholarly Communication?

Personal or Institutional Use of Social Web Services For Scholarly Communication?

A pre-recorded video of a talk on "Personal or Institutional Use of Social Web Services For Scholarly Communication?" was presented at The Scholarly Communication Landscape: Opportunities and Challenges symposium held at the Manchester Conference Centre, Manchester from 11.25-11.50 on 30 November 2010


Social Web services, such as blogs, have been used successfully by early adopters. But should we now see such services being migrated to the institutional environment in order to address institutional concerns? Or should the institution seek to exploit the benefits of such out-sourced approaches?

In this talk Brian will provide examples of successful blogs provided by various early adopters within the UK higher education community. He will describe how such bloggers have developed approaches which maintain the authority and integrity of the blogger whilst maintaining a professional approach which is appreciative of potential institutional concerns.

Brian suggests that rather than seeking to move such blogs into an institutional context, the cuts in funding in higher and further education may result in greater use of Cloud Services rather than in-house software. If this is the case then the approaches taken by such early adopters may become mainstream and provide the basis for the development of institutional guidelines on use of Social Web services to support institutional activities.

Note that this talk will be given as a pre-recorded video as the speaker is giving a talk on the same day at the Online Information conference. This double-booking provides an opportunity to evaluate the potential of online delivery of talks at conferences.


Pre-recorded Video

A video of the talk (18 mins long) is available: