UKOLN Future Technologies

About the Talk

Two seminars will be given by Brian Kelly, UKOLN at the University of Bradford on Tuesday 9th November 1999.

A seminar on Future Technologies will take place from 1-2 pm in the main lecture theature D4 Richmond Building. This will be followed by a seminar on Future Technologies: Deployment Issues from 2.30-3.30 pm in room 2.7 in the J B Priestley Library.

The seminars are part of Bradford University's Web 2000 programme of events.

Future Technologies
Abstract: This talk will highlight some of the recent developments to World Wide Web standards. It will review some of the problems with the current Web infratstucture and describe how developments such as XML, CSS and RDF are helping to address these problems.
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Future Technologies: Deployment Issues
Abstract: The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) is coordinating the development of a range of new technologies. However deployment of new technologies is not necessarily easy. New technologies may be incompatible with the older browsers or may be expensive to deploy. This talk will outline approaches to the deployment of new technologies.
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About the Author

Brian Kelly is UK Web Focus, a national web coordination post for the UK Higher Education community. Brian is based at UKOLN, University of Bath. Brian has attended the first, fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth WWW conferences. He has been a member of the programme committee for several of the conferences and gave a short paper on Subject-Based Information Gateways in the UK at WWW8.

Brian has been involved in the development of web services since early 1993 - the web service he supported when he was the Information Officer in the Computing Service at Leeds University was one of the first 30 organisational web services available. As most Universities at the time were convinced that Gopher was the most appropriate technology for distributed information systems, between 1993 and 1995 Brian (who was worried that he may have chosen the Internet equivalent of the Betamax system!) gave presentations about the Web thoughout the UK.

In 1995 Brian moved to Newcastle University to work for the Netskills project. He was there for a year before moving to his current position.