Being a 'connected educator': the Role of Social Media in Facilitating Collaboration and Enhancing Impact
Brian Kelly gave an invited 50 minute talk followed by 10 minutes of questions on Being a 'Connected Educator': the Role of Social Media in Facilitating Collaboration and Enhancing Impact at the University of Dundee on 7th November 2012. This talk was given as part of the inspirED seminar series on the topic "Beyond the hype: Does social media have a significant role to play in Universities?"
The seminar took place from 12.30-14.00 with a 45 minute talk followed by 10-15 minutes for questions and an additional 30 minutes for attendees to chat over coffee.
Although initially dismissed by some as irrelevant and distracting, social media is now being acknowledged as having a significant role to play in supporting the key activities carried out in universities, ranging from marketing and student recruitment, teaching and learning and research activities.
In this seminar Brian Kelly will describe social media's relevance across a range of university activities, illustrate examples of emerging best practices, discuss the role of social media metrics and suggest ways in which individuals and groups may use social media to enhance personal and group effectiveness.
- Being a 'Connected Educator': the Role of Social Media in Facilitating Collaboration and Enhancing Impact
- [MS PowerPoint format]
A Storify summary of tweets made about the talk is available.
Two cartoons which provide an introduction to the talk and the conclusions have been created using Pixton.
Biographical Details
Brian Kelly works for the JISC-funded Innovation Support Centre
at UKOLN, which is based at the University of Bath.
In his role as UK Web Focus he advises the UK's higher and further education
communities on best practices for innovative use of the Web.
Brian has given many presentations on Web 2.0 and the Social Web. In recent years Brian has been an invited plenary speaker at international conferences held in Trondheim, Stockholm, Taiwan, Singapore and Melbourne. Brian is also a passionate user of a variety of Social Web tools, including his UK Web Focus blog which has been shortlisted for several awards.
Brian's areas of interest include ways in which Web 2.0 and the Social Web can be used to support professional, scholarly and research activities, Web standards, Web accessibility and Web metrics.
Brian Has written about 50 peer-reviewed papers and articles including a recent paper on Can LinkedIn and Enhance Access to Open Repositories? which suggested that use of social media services such as LinkedIn may be responsible for Brian having the largest number of downloads from the University of Bath institutional repository.