From Bits to Blogs - Taking the IT Revolution into Museums, Libraries and Archives

Brian Kelly participated in a seminar on From Bits to Blogs - Taking the IT Revolution into Museums, Libraries and Archives at the Learning Resource Centre, University of Teesside on Wednesday 18th October 2006.

The MLA North East Web site provides access to the event announcement and session details.

Note that feedback of the seminar is available on a WetPaint wiki.

Session Details

Brian contributed the following sessions:

About The Speaker

Brian Kelly's job title is UK Web Focus - an advisory post funded by the JISC and MLA to advise the higher and further education sectors and the cultural heritage sector on best practices related to the Web.

Brian has been involved in using the Web since January 1993, when he helped established a Web service at the University of Leeds - probably the first institutional Web service in the UK HE community and one of the first fifty organisations around the world to register a Web service (as described in How the Web Was Born: The Story of the World Wide Web by James Gillies and Robert Cailliau).

Brian is based at UKOLN, a national centre of expertise in digital information management located at the University of Bath.



Web 2.0: Implications For The Cultural Heritage Sector
[HTML format] - [MS PowerPoint 97/2000 format]


QA For Web Handbook
About The Handbook - Handbook (MS Word format)

URLs Used In Exercises

Gabbly Chat Tool
Gabbly online chat service - exercise 1.
Wetpaint Wiki
Wetpaint Wiki.
Seminar Suprglu Site
Seminar Suprglu Site - exercise 3.
RSSxl creation tool
- exercise 4.
Output from RSSxl creation tool
- exercise 4.
RSS and OPML tools
- exercise 5.
- exercise 6.
Tame The Web Blog
Tame The Web Blog - exercise 7.
Library 2.0 Podcasts
Library 2.0 Podcasts - exercise 7.


Exercise 1: Using Gabbly: A Web-based Chat Tool
[MS Word 97/2000 format]
Exercise 2: Using Wikipedia To Read About Museum Resources
[MS Word 97/2000 format]
Exercise 3: Using Wetpaint: An Externally Hosted Wiki Service
[MS Word 97/2000 format]
Exercise 4: Using SuprGlu: An RSS Aggregation Service
[MS Word 97/2000 format]
Exercise 5: Embedding RSS Feeds Into Web Pages
[MS Word 97/2000 format]
Exercise 6: Use Of Social Bookmarking And Social Sharing Services
[MS Word 97/2000 format]
Exercise 7: Staff Development To Support Use Of Web 2.0 Technologies
[MS Word 97/2000 format]

Related Resources

See using tag mla-ne-2006-10 (these are embedded in the page below).


For details of the location of the seminar please see the campus maps. Alternatively you can use Google maps or Yahoo Maps.

Note also that theis page has ben registered with the GeoURL service. This service has processed the latitude and longitude of the event location which are included in the HTML content of this page. The GeoURL service provides links to other registered Web pages which are geographically close to these coordinates: GeoURL


Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 2.0 England & Wales License.

The licence applies to the content of the Powerpoint slides (and derived versions).

In addition the accompanying talk is similarly available under a Creative Comments attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 licence.

This means that you are free:

Under the following conditions:

by Attribution
You must attribute the work in the manner specified by the author or licensor.
You may not use this work for commercial purposes.
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If you alter, transform, or build upon this work, you may distribute the resulting work only under a license identical to this one.

The formal legal conditions are described on the Creative Common Web site.

It should be noted, however, that the presentation contains screen images owned by others. Where possible citations for the images are provided (in the form of hypertext links to the source Web site).