Europeana Awareness: public libraries service specification workshop
Brian Kelly will give a 30 minute talk on Innovation and the Social Web: Learning From Commercial Approaches at a "Europeana Awareness: public libraries service specification workshop" to be held at the Ministry of Culture, Madrid, Spain on 21st-22nd March 2012.
The success of the social web has demonstrated the value of a number of Web 2.0 characteristics such as 'trusting your user' and 'always beta' together with the importance of the 'network effect' in which easy to use services which connect large numbers of users can provide 'viral' effects which can generate large numbers of users.
Such approaches have challenged traditional development methodologies used with the public sector, which have typically adopted a more slow-moving development cycles and have been unwilling to trust users due to concerns regarding legal and related issues.
In the talk Brian will argue that adoption of social media approaches for enhancing access to and sharing cultural heritage resources will require a willingness to use approaches which many users will be familiar with in their use of services such as Flickr, YouTube and Facebook.
Brian will conclude the talk by describing a risks and opportunities framework which was described in a paper on "Empowering users and their institutions: A risks and opportunities framework for exploiting the potential of the social web" presented at the CULTURE HERITAGE Online conference held in Florence in December 2009.
Biographical Details
Brian Kelly has been involved in Web development since January 1993, when he
helped to establish a Web site at the University of Leeds (one of the first
institutional Web sites in the UK). Since 1996 Brian has been employed at UKOLN,
a national centre of expertise in digital information management based at the
University of Bath in the UK.
Brian makes active use of a variety of Social Web tools. If you would like to read more about his professional activities you can subscribe to the UK Web Focus blog which is available at or follow his Twitter account - briankelly.