The Web Management Community: Beyond IWMW and JISCMail Lists
Talks at IWMW 2011
Brian Kelly gave three contributions to the IWMW 2011 event:
- Welcome
- The Web Management Community: Beyond IWMW and JISCMail Lists workshop session
- Closing remarks
Welcome to IWMW 2011
Brian Kelly gave the welcome talk at the IWMW 2011 event.
- Welcome
- [MS PowerPoint 97/2000 format]
The Web Management Community: Beyond IWMW and JISCMail Lists
Brian Kelly facilitated a 90 minute session on The Web Management Community: Beyond IWMW and JISCMail Lists (session A4) at UKOLN's Institutional Web Management Workshop 2011 (IWMW 2011) which was held at the University of Reading from 15:30 - 17:00 on 26th July 2011.
The institutional Web management community has been in existence for over 15 years, with the web-support and website-info-mgt JISCMail lists having been established in the mid-1990s. In 1997 the first Institutional Web Management Workshop was held at King's College London which provide an opportunity for those involved in the provision of institutional Web service to meet face-to-face and discuss shared problems and solutions.
The IWMW event has been held annually since its launch and has been invaluable in helping to support the growth of a community of practice, which enables those working in the sector to tap into a wide community of practitioners who are often willing to share best practices and provide help and advice.
Between the annual IWMW event the web-support and website-info-mgt JISCMail lists have provided the main communications channel. However over the past five years use of these lists has dropped significantly. In part this may be due to a maturing of the sector but the growth of a wide range of other communications and collaboration channels has also resulted in use of a greater diversity of channels.
This session will provide participants with an opportunity to reevaluate the various communications and collaboration channels which can help to support those working in the sector and to identify emerging patterns of usage and best practices.
UKOLN's Web Manager Blog Aggregation Service will be launched at the IWMW 2011 event. The session will provide an opportunity for participants to provide feedback and input into future developments for this service.
Learning Objectives
By the end of the session participants will:
- Have reflected on the growth of the Web management community and identified the strengths and weakness of the tools and services used to support the community.
- Have reviewed the current diverse range of communications and collaboration tools used by the community, identified the strengths and weakness of this diversity and discussed ways of exploiting the opportunities which are available
- Have contributed to discussions for building on the strengths of the community in the future.
- The Web Management Community: Beyond IWMW and JISCMail Lists
- [MS PowerPoint 97/2000 format]
- Action Plans
- [MS Word 97/2000 format]
Brian Kelly gave the closing remarks at the IWMW 2011 event.
- The Web Management Community: Beyond IWMW and JISCMail Lists
- [MS PowerPoint 97/2000 format]
Biographical Details
Brian Kelly has been involved in Web development since January 1993, when he
helped to established a Web site at the University of Leeds (one of the first
institutional Web sites in the UK). Since 1996 Brian has been employed at UKOLN,
a national centre of expertise in digital information management based at the
University of Bath in the UK. His responsibility is to advise the UK's
higher and further community on ways of maximising the potential of the Web.
Brian makes active use of a variety of Social Web tools. If you would like to read more about his professional activities you can subscribe to the UK Web Focus blog which is available at or follow his Twitter account - briankelly.