Promoting Your Service Through News

Brian Kelly gave a talk on RSS and JISC Services Newsfeed Aggregator Demonstrator at a JISC workshop on "Promoting Your Service Through News" at One Great George Street, Westminster, London, SW1P 3AA on 10th February 2005.


RSS and JISC Services Newsfeed Aggregator Demonstrator
[HTML format] - [MS PowerPoint 97/2000 format]

Useful URLs

Further Reading

RSS @ A Glance, Guidelines from the JISC News Working Group
Malcolm Moffatt, EEVL, <
RSS - A Primer for Publishers & Content Providers
Malcolm Moffatt, EEVL, <>
Links to RSS Resources
The Fuss, <>
Improving Communications within JISC through News Aggregation
Paul Davey et al, Ariadne 41, <>
Syndicated content: it's more than just some file formats
Paul Miller, Ariadne 35, <>
RSS: the latest feed
Judith Wusteman, Library Hi Tech, Vol. 22, No. 4, .<>
Rich Site Services
Gerry McKiernan, <>
What Is RSS? article, <>
Introduction to RSS, <>
RSS Tutorial for Content Publishers and Webmasters
Mark Nottingham, <>
Syndication, RSS, RDF and Atom in a Nutshell
Fplanque, <>
The Role of RSS in Science Publishing
Tony Hammond, Timo Hannay, and Ben Lund, Nature Publishing Group, <>
RSS Workshop
RSS (protocol)
Wikipedia, <>
All About RSS
FaginFinder, <>
JISC Information Environment Architecture, <>

Lists Of Resources

RSS and Atom Resources
RSS Compendium
RSS Tools
RSS Resources
Directory, RSS At Harvard Law
Lockergnome's RSS & Atom Tips
Userland RSS Central

Audio Presentations

Libraries get hip to RSS
Future Tense, <>


Lists of RSS Tools
RSS Aggregator
EEVL's aggregation service for JISC, <>
Aggregation Software
Urchin, <>
Use of a Blog to create RSS, <>
UKOLN's RSS authoring and vieweing tool, <>
RSS Validators


RSS 1.0
RSS 2.0

Directories Of RSS Feeds

Rich Site Services
Gerry McKiernan's list of Library RSS feeds, <>

Biographical Details

Brian Kelly, UK Web Focus, provides a Web advisory service to the UK higher and further education communities and the cultural heritage sector. Brian works for UKOLN, a national centre of expertise in digital information management which is located at the University of Bath. UKOLN is funded by the JISC (Joint Information Systems Committee) and the MLA (Museums, Libraries and Archives Council).

Brian became active in Web development in the early days of the Web, having helped establish a Web site at the University of Leeds in January 1993. He immediately saw the potential of the Web and became a early pioneer and advocate of the Web. Brian joined UKOLN in 1996 and has been active in promoting use of Web standards and best practices since then, initially within the higher and further education communities, but now also to the cultural heritage sector.

Brian has given many presentations and written many articles on various aspects on the Web - see <> and <> Brian also runs an annual 3-day event for Web managers and developers. This year's event, which has the theme "Whose Web Is It Anyway?" will be held at the University of Manchester on 6-8th July. If you are involved in Web development work, why not attend? See <> for details.