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Information Science Pathway's Day: Managing Your Research Profile

Managing Your Research Profile

Brian Kelly facilitated a workshop session on "Managing Your Research Profile" at a workshop on "Alt-metrics: achieving and measuring success in communicating research in the digital age". The workshop was held as part of the SGS-DTC summer school organised by the Information Science Pathway. The event was held at the University of Edinburgh on Thursday 20th June 2013.

The Twitter hashtag for this event is #sgssummer.

The morning session was led by Blaise ras from 09:30-12:30 with a half hour break 11:00-11:30. The afternoon session ran 13:30-16:30 with a half hour break from 14:30-15:00.

Event Details

All researchers, from PhD students to professors, have an ever-expanding range of communication media and publication platforms at their disposal. They routinely submit their work to repositories and open access journals, create videos, upload datasets, share slide presentations, blog, make use of reference managers, tweet, and interact with their peers via social media. Their digital footprints are everywhere to be found and almost every footprint can be tracked, in the moment. Traditional bibliometric indicators (e.g., publication and citation counts) are neither real-time in nature nor fully reflective of a researcher's "true contributions", but they can now be supplemented with a miscellany of "alternative metrics": how frequently a researcher's work is downloaded, acknowledged, included in syllabii, quoted in the press, cited in policy documents, recommended by others, praised by opinion leaders, mentioned in social media. However, concerns relating to validity, reliability, utility, comparability and ethicality abound. Which data elements should be captured and counted, by whom and for what purposes? Why should PhD students be aware of alt-metrics? What strategies should PhD students take to ensure that their work has reach in an environment where alt-metrics count?

Participation at this one day event on will give you an opportunity to learn a bout these alternative (or "alt") metrics, debate their value, and to examine the status of your own digital footprint as related to your PhD research.

The format for the day is the delivery of a lecture in the morning on alt metrics by Professor Blaise Cronin of Indiana University, followed by a discussion. In the afternoon Brian Kelly of the University of Bath will facilitate a workshop in which you will work on your online presence, taking into account the insights provided in the morning session. By the end of the afternoon session you will have had the opportunity to create and update:

  • An profile which is linked to their presences across a range of platforms including those specifically for researchers.
  • An ORCID identifier
  • A LinkedIn profile.

  • A Google+ profile.

  • Research profiles on services such as Researchgate and

  • A Twitter account.

In addition to the use of these services, the session will provide an opportunity to evaluate how such services are being used though use of a variety of analytics tools.

As well as the hands-on exercises, discussion groups in the lab will also provide an opportunity to address best practices in using such services together with ways of addressing barriers such as the resource implications of managing such services and legal, ethical and privacy concerns.


  • Using Social media to Enhance Your Research Activities (SRA paper)
  • Getting an ORCID ID
  • Using LinkedIn
  • Monitoring Twitter Engagement With Topsy and Tweetreach
  • Using Google+
  • Using Google Scholar
  • Using Slideshare
  • Using Twitter At Events
  • Using ImpactStory
  • Using altmetrics

Draft Timetable

A draft timetable will be provided shortly.


The following handouts will be used:

Core Services: search and CVs

  • A1: Using Google+.
  • A2: Using Google Scholar.
  • A3: Using LinkedIn.

Resource sharing services

  • B1: Using Slideshare.
  • B2: Using Delicious.

Researcher identifier services

  • C1: Researcher identifier services.
  • C2: Using ORCID.

Researcher profile services

  • D1: Using<./li>
  • D2: Using ResearchGate.
  • D3: Using Mendeley.


  • E1: Using Blogs (1).
  • E2: Using Blogs (2).

Twitter metrics

  • F1: Using Topsy and Tweetreach.
  • F2: Using Twentyfeet.

Twitter analytics services

  • G1: Using Klout.
  • G2: Using PeerIndex.

Altmetric tools and services

  • H1: Using Impactstory.
  • H2: The Altmetric Toolbar.

Citation analysis services

  • I1: Google Scholar Citations.
  • I2: Using Microsoft Academic Search.

Action plans

  • Action plans.


[MS PowerPoint 97/2000 format]

Note that the slides are also available on Slideshare and are embedded below.

Managing your research profile from Brian Kelly