UK Web Focus - II Workshop on Web Enabling Technologies & Strategies for Scientific e-Learning 2005
II Workshop on Web Enabling Technologies & Strategies for Scientific e-Learning
Session 2a
- The Role Of Collaborative Technologies, Tuesday 8 November 2005, 08:50-09:50
- In this session Brian Kelly will outline the potential for collaborative technologies in
e-learning. In this session delegates will not only hear about exciting new
technologies such as Blogs, Wikis, VoIP, Podcasting, etc. but will also have
an opportunity to use such technologies.
Slides: [HTML] -
[MS PowerPoint]
Alternative Slides (from EUNIS 2005 workshop): [HTML]
Note that a talk on Podcasting was also prepared for this session.
The talk was not given, but a recording of the talk is available.
The recording is available as an MP3 file, a SMIL presentation and as a
- An introduction To Podcasting
- In this talk Brian Kelly gives an introduction to Podcasting.
Slides on Podcasting: [HTML] -
[MS PowerPoint]
MP3 recording of talk on Podcasting: [MP3]
Podcast file: [RSS]
SMIL file: [SMIL] (10 mins 30 secs)
SMIL file: [SMIL] (with navigational bar)
SMIL file: [SMIL] (short version)
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