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Details of Local Pubs

On Wednesday 6th September there will be an open top bus tour followed by canapes at the Victoria Gallery. From 8.30 pm delegates will be free to visit the local pubs and restaurants in Bath. Brief details of pubs near the Victoria Gallery are given below.

Note that the Victoria Gallery is located on Bridge Street, Bath, BA2 4AT. See the Mapquest or Multimap map. Note that the River Avon is not shown on the Multimap map: the grey street to the right is Pultney Bridge which spans the river.

As there are 150 delegates, it will not be possible to have a single meeting place, if delegates would like to meet for a drink. The following suggestions are made:

  • Have a meal in one of the 3 restaurants on the first floor of the Podium (very close to the Victoria Gallery) and then meet afterwards in the Saracen's Head, a very large pub opposite the Podium.
  • Have a meal in the Saracen's Head. Meals can be ordered up to 10pm.
  • Have a meal in the Oliver (and maybe visit the Old Green Tree, which is opposite).
  • Meet in the Crystal Palace.
  • Meet in the beer garden in the Boater (if the weather is fine).


1: Rummer
Market Row, Grand Parade, Bath BA2 4DF
Small pub with single bar, very close to Victoria Gallery. Real ale. Next to the River Avon and the weir.
See Mapquest or Multimap - note that the river is not shown on the Multipmap map.

2: Boater
9 Argyle Street, Bath, BA2 4BQ
Across the river, over Pultney Bridge and on the right. Large pub with large beer garden to be found downstairs. Suitable for large numbers. Real ale.
See Mapquest or Multimap - note that the river is not shown on the Multimap map.

3: Coeur De Lion
17 Northumberland Place, Bath, BA1 5AR (opposite Guildhall)
Smallest pub in Bath. Real ale.
See the Mapquest or Multimap - note that the river is not shown on the map.

4: Old Green Tree
12 Green Street, Bath, BA1 2JZ
Wonderful pub, but small. Real ale.
See the Mapquest orMultimap map - note that the river is not shown on the Multimap map.
See also's description.

5: Oliver Inn
9 Green Street, Bath, BA1 2JZ
Real ale and food (not sure of closing time). Opposite The Old Green Tree
See the Mapquest orMultimap map - note that the river is not shown on the Multimap map.

6 - Crystal Palace
10-11 Abbey Green, Bath, BA1 1NW
Large pub, with beer garden. Real ale and food (.
See Mapquest or Multimap
See also's description.

7: Star Inn
23 The Vineyards, Paragon, Bath, BA1 5LY
Bit of a walk, but worth it to see a gem of a pub. The Star Inn now has its own Web site which describes the history of the pub.
See Mapquest or Multimap.
See also's description.

8 - The Bell
103 Walcott Street, Bath, BA1 5BW
Near the Star Inn. Live music on Monday and Wednesday evenings, but likely to be crowded.
See Mapquest or Multimap.

9 - The Old Farmhouse
1 Lansdown Road, Bath, BA1 5EE
One for the jazz fine, with live music 4 nights per week. Up a steep hill.
See Mapquest or Multimap.


Further information on Restaurants in Bath is available from, and


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LAST MODIFIED: 16th August 2000