UKOLN "Institutional Web Management 2001" Workshop

Parallel Session on "Automated News Feeds"

This page provides details of the "Automated News Feeds" workshop session facilitated by Brian Kelly at the Institutional Web Management: 2001 workshop held at Queen's University Belfast on 25-27 June 2001.


This session will consider the requirements for automated news feeds, both on campus and in the wider context. It will investigate ways of sharing 'news' content between university departments, from commercial news providers to the campus and from the campus to external services. It will also consider whether the same techniques used to share news feeds can be re-used to share information about other digital resources.

Session Aims

By the end of the session delegates will:


The following timetable is subject to change.

Time Topic Comments
14:00 Introduction Session aims, introduction from facilitator
Introduction slides: [HTML format] - [MS PowerPoint format]
14:05 Why We Need Automated News Feeds Small group exercise in which participants review the flow of news information both within their institution and from external news sources. The limitations of manual procedures for processing news information will be reviewed.
Exercise 1: Session Aims: [HTML format] - [MS Word 97/2000 format]
14:20 Approaches To Automated News Feeds Hands-on exercise in which participants make use of a number of automated news feed services.
Exercise 2: Current Approaches To Automated News Feeds: [HTML format] - [MS Word 97/2000 format]
Standards for News Feeds slides: [HTML format] - [MS PowerPoint format]
14:35 Standards For News Feeds Presentation on the problems with proprietary solutions and an introduction to standards for news feeds.
Exercise 3: Using RSS: [HTML format] - [MS Word 97/2000 format]
14:45 Creating Your Own RSS News Feeds Hands-on exercise in which participants will create an RSS news channel and deploy it on a Web site.
Exercise 4: Creating An RSS News Feed: [HTML format] - [MS Word 97/2000 format]
15:10 Deployment Issues Group discussion on the deployment issues for news services.
Exercise 5: Converting HTML to RSS: [HTML format] - [MS Word 97/2000 format]
Deployment Issues slides: [HTML format] - [PowerPoint format]
Exercise 6: Deployment Issues:
[HTML format] - [MS Word 97/2000 format]
Other Approaches And Further Information slides: [HTML format] - [PowerPoint 97/2000 format]
15:20 Conclusions: slides [HTML format] - [PowerPoint 97/2000 format]

URLs Used in Exercises

The following URLs are used in the exercises:

Exercise C5-2

Exercise C5-3

Exercise C5-4

Exercise C5-5

Other Resources



[HTML format] - [PowerPoint 97/2000 format]
Standards For News Feeds
[HTML format] - [PowerPoint 97/2000 format]
Deployment Issues
[HTML format] - [PowerPoint 97/2000 format]
Other Approaches And Further Information
[HTML format] - [PowerPoint 97/2000 format]
[HTML format] - [PowerPoint 97/2000 format]
Report Back
[HTML format] - [PowerPoint 97/2000 format]


Exercise 1: Introduction
[MS Word 97/2000 format] - [HTML format]
Exercise 2: Using Automated News Feeds
[MS Word 97/2000 format] - [HTML format]
Exercise 3: Using RSS
[MS Word 97/2000 format] - [HTML format]
Exercise 4: Creating An RSS News Feed
[MS Word 97/2000 format] - [HTML format]
Exercise 5: Converting HTML to RSS
[MS Word 97/2000 format] - [HTML format]
Exercise 6: Deployment Issues
[MS Word 97/2000 format] - [HTML format]