JANET AUP – Section 9.5


‘JANET may not be used for the transmission of unsolicited commercial or advertising material either to User Organisations, or to Organisations connected to other networks, save where that material is embedded within, or is otherwise part of, a service to which the member of the User Organisation has chosen to subscribe’.


JANET Fact sheet


No ads over JANET because:


‘Overt commercial activity over JANET could threaten the status of the network and lead to a loss of … benefits’.




Ads are OK if ‘… in furtherance of the aims and policies of the user organisation’.


What if these ‘aims and policies’ include making as much money from external sources as possible and selling the institution’s soul for corporate megabucks?


Types of advertising that are OK over JANET


Icons and Links – e.g.


Ø       to companies from the Careers Service pages

Ø       to companies offering services to students, booksellers for example

Ø       where companies are collaborative partners in university work




OK if:


Ø       the banner and link are stored locally

Ø       the downloaded item ‘does not compromise the activities of other JANET users’.




Ø       ‘It is NOT acceptable to link to advertising material stored on a commercial database that is pulled into JANET as a web page loads, UNLESS an organisation has decided IT IS IN ITS INTERESTS TO DO SO!


So, that’s all clear then?


Student News Sheets


It is OK if these contain ads (in principle) as long as they are:


Ø       passive

Ø       they are not sent to mailing lists

Institutional Policies – USA & Australia



University of California at Berkeley allows:


‘Acknowledgement of corporate support, as long as the acknowledgement does not extensively promote the sponsor’


They also allow:


Ø       Ads which are part of an instructional programme or which serves an ‘informational function’

Ø       Campus newspapers operated by students may contain paid advertising

Ø       Announcements of sports, music and similar events

Ø       The sale of products or services in support of instructional, research or business needs of the University – that is links to vendor products, logos and trademarks.




Does not allow third party advertising on MIT websites or its network:


It ‘raises questions of conflict of interest, neutrality and freedom from influence. Additionally, such advertising on web sites is considered to be a distraction from MITs mission of education and research.”


BUT ‘acknowledgement of sponsors is acceptable’ subject to guidelines.




Does not allow advertising except in exceptional circumstances and explicitly forbids ads related to:


Party Political announcements



Sexual services or sex industry venues


‘Advertisements not consistent with the University’s image, standing and presentation’.


ANU - Canberra


‘We have concern’s about liability’ … ‘from the ANU being seen (however tenuously!) to endorse a service or product. Our judgement at the moment is that the risks are greater than the rewards in moving into paid advertising using the University’s name/reputation.’


BUT they allow links to sponsors.


SLIDE 13 – Privacy


In a 2001 US case an advertising company won a ruling that ‘gathering detailed information about consumers through the use of cookies … and other technology for the purpose of targeting online ads did not violate federal law.’


In the EU the ‘use of cookies can continue with minimal restrictions, according to a new data protection Directive approved today by the European Parliament.’

Some Resources





JANET Fact Sheet (UKERNA Site) -


Advertising Standards Authority, the ASA codes –


Institutional Policy statements - Ohio State University (USA) –


Government of Canada –


CNI Report on Advertising (USA) –


IAB – (UK) Standards – Privacy Guidelines, Guidelines on the Use of Personal Data – at