
To implement

Produce advertising information pack, including:

·         Rate card

·         Administration (distribution, audience, technical process, billing, discounts, deadlines)

·         Samples (eg screen shots) of pages including advertising banners.

·         Agree primary contact for advertisers

·         Decide where advertising can appear

·         Agree rates

·         Decide on schedule

·         Agree technical spec

·         Set up billing facilities and advertising code

Advertiser contacts with request for information

·         Send out advertising information pack

·         Agree follow-up procedure

Advertiser wishes to purchase banner but has no facilities to create them


·         Pass query to in-house banner creation facilities (who?)

·         Advise on appropriate contact for banner creation and provide technical brief

Sign agreement

Write standard agreement stating

·         what service will be provided to the advertiser

·         what the advertiser needs to supply, relevant dates

·         contacts on both sides

Work through relevant proof stages/send voucher copies (eg screen shots) and process advertiser sign-off

·         who is responsible for what
It should be clear to in-house staff working with advertisers what is negotiable and what is not.

·         Set up facilities to test the advert in the relevant target page before it goes live.

·         Decide on a format for supplying voucher copies (particularly if the ad is placed in protected areas)

Ad goes live

·         Set up, test and implement technical facility to insert banners and track use

·         Create ad server to store images

·         Resolve issues around account ownership and access


·         Use advertising finance code so that revenue can be easily tracked

·         Identify and train member of staff to perform invoicing if this is not already part of their remit.

Ad removal

·         Allocate responsibility for removing advertisement on the due date or as requested by the advertiser

·         Automatic expiry – or warning email to administrator?

Advertising – workflow and implementation requirements