"Thieves in the Night: Hidden Problems in Web site Redesign"
This page provides details for the workshop session on
"Thieves in the Night: Hidden Problems in Web site Redesign".
- Title:
- Thieves in the Night: Hidden Problems in Web site Redesign
- Facilitator:
- Matt Thrower, UKOLN, University of Bath
- Abstract:
UKOLN is currently going about the business of redesigning its Web site. Given our position in information management and digital curation research this has thrown up some interesting challenges and problems that don't normally come to light during a Web site redesign, but which have resonance for any Web site rebuild. How, for example, do you impose navigation suddenly onto 9GB of unstructured data without deleting any of it? How do you get a corporate stamp on your site without removing the ability of staff to design their own pages? Come along and discuss potential solutions to these and other problems and what lessons could be learned for your institution.
- Learning Objectives:
- By the end of the session participants will have:
- an appreciation of some rarely discussed problems in Web site redesign that were particularly sticky for UKOLN but could be applicable to improving any Web site rebuild
- Rating:
- Technical:

- Hands on:

Note: Each session is given a rating from 0 (low) to 3 (high). More information on this is available on the call page.
- Room Requirements:
- PC and data projector.
- Venue:
- (V/123)
- Time:
- Tuesday 17th July 2007 from 15:30-17:00
- Contact Details