Institutional Web Management Workshop 2008:


The following feedback on the workshop is available:

General Feedback

Overall Feedback

The IWMW 2008 workshop, held at the University of Aberdeen on 22-24th July 2008 attracted over 180 delegates. A summary of the forms returned is given below.

The overall rating for the workshop content was 3.7, on a scale of 1 for poor and 5 for excellent. The full details are given below.

4 3
2 1
12 26 21 4 0 3.7

The overall rating for the workshop organisation was 4.1.

General comments on the workshop we received included:

Feedback On The Plenary Talks

The most highly rated plenary speakers were Ewan McIntosh (average rating of 4.4), Alison Wildish (rating of 3.8) and James Currall (rating of 3.6).

Some of the comments received on Ewan's talk included:

Feedback On The Parallel Sessions

Once again with a total of 16 parallel session, from which delegates could only attend 2 it is not possible to make a valid comparison across all of the parallel sessions. However the five parallel sessions with the highest ratings were those facilitated by:

Feedback on the Social Events

The social events at these year's workshops included a workshop dinner and a drinks reception at the Aberdeen Art Gallery. The feedback of the social events was given an average of 3.9.

Some of the comments received included:


The feedback provided on the evaluation forms confirm that IWMW 2008 was a very successful event, though we may need to give some thought to inclusion of more technical sessions. A big thanks to all involved!! If you have any ideas on how we can improve your event then please let us know.

We will be providing the speakers and workshop facilitators will more detailed feedback on their individual sesssions.

We look forward to IWMW 2009.