IWMW 2008 2010-08-16T08:18:13Z Brian Kelly http://iwmw2008.ning.com/forum/topic/listForContributor?user=briankelly&feed=yes&xn_auth=no For Those Arriving On Monday 21 July tag:iwmw2008.ning.com,2008-06-11:2147370:Topic:163 2008-06-11T15:29:27.163Z Brian Kelly UKOLN staff will be flying up on Monday 21 July, in order to set things up. If anyone else is intending to arrive on the Monday, note that you will have tyo arrange your own accommodation - but <a href="http://www.ukoln.ac.uk/web-focus/events/workshops/webmaster-2008/delegate/">information is available</a>.<br /> <br /> And if anyone can recommend a good real ale pub for the Monday night please let me know :-) UKOLN staff will be flying up on Monday 21 July, in order to set things up. If anyone else is intending to arrive on the Monday, note that you will have tyo arrange your own accommodation - but <a href="http://www.ukoln.ac.uk/web-focus/events/workshops/webmaster-2008/delegate/">information is available</a>.<br /> <br /> And if anyone can recommend a good real ale pub for the Monday night please let me know :-) Travel from the Bath/Bristol area tag:iwmw2008.ning.com,2008-06-11:2147370:Topic:162 2008-06-11T15:26:42.162Z Brian Kelly The cost of flights from Bristol to Aberdeen are very expensive. As a consequence staff from UKOLN will be travelling from Birmingham and Exeter. Note that FlyBe and BMIBaby both fly from Birmingham to Aberdeen and BMIBaby had a number of very cheap flights when I checked yesterday. The cost of flights from Bristol to Aberdeen are very expensive. As a consequence staff from UKOLN will be travelling from Birmingham and Exeter. Note that FlyBe and BMIBaby both fly from Birmingham to Aberdeen and BMIBaby had a number of very cheap flights when I checked yesterday. About the IWMW 2008 Ning Social Network tag:iwmw2008.ning.com,2008-06-10:2147370:Topic:121 2008-06-10T10:12:48.121Z Brian Kelly The IWMW 2008 Ning Social Network has been set up to support participants at the IWMW 2008 event and other interested parties.<br /> <br /> The social network aims to provide:<br /> <br /> * A forum for discussion<br /> * A place for sharing<br /> * An opportunity to support the development of the institutional Web management community of practice<br /> <br /> Note, however, the following caveats:<br /> <br /> * The service is hosted by a third party company with whom there are no formal contractual agreements.<br /> * UKOLN cannot take responsibility for limi&hellip; The IWMW 2008 Ning Social Network has been set up to support participants at the IWMW 2008 event and other interested parties.<br /> <br /> The social network aims to provide:<br /> <br /> * A forum for discussion<br /> * A place for sharing<br /> * An opportunity to support the development of the institutional Web management community of practice<br /> <br /> Note, however, the following caveats:<br /> <br /> * The service is hosted by a third party company with whom there are no formal contractual agreements.<br /> * UKOLN cannot take responsibility for limitations of the service, including service performance, management of data uploaded to and created on the service, etc.<br /> <br /> Despite such caveats, we feel that the service can place a useful service for IWMW 2008 participants.