post-workshop - list of links - IWMW 2008 2010-08-16T08:37:22Z Thanks for these - especially…,2008-07-28:2147370:Comment:1791 2008-07-28T11:27:11.791Z Chris Limb Thanks for these - especially the scriptalicious one! Thanks for these - especially the scriptalicious one! Streaming Videos of the plena…,2008-07-25:2147370:Comment:1688 2008-07-25T16:37:22.688Z Gordon Neish Streaming Videos of the plenaries are now available.<br /> <br /> <a href=""></a> Streaming Videos of the plenaries are now available.<br /> <br /> <a href=""></a> These are Mike Patterson's sl…,2008-07-25:2147370:Comment:1668 2008-07-25T13:28:02.668Z Gordon Neish These are Mike Patterson's slides and demos from his scriptaculous barcamp session which I think you were at Chris. Hope others find this useful too.<br /> <br /> <a href=""></a> These are Mike Patterson's slides and demos from his scriptaculous barcamp session which I think you were at Chris. Hope others find this useful too.<br /> <br /> <a href=""></a>