For Those Arriving On Monday 21 July - IWMW 2008 2010-08-16T08:28:51Z Note that a taxi from the air…,2008-07-21:2147370:Comment:1378 2008-07-21T16:49:07.378Z Brian Kelly Note that a taxi from the airport to the University costs about £14. Note that a taxi from the airport to the University costs about £14. Hi, We are arriving at 15.45…,2008-07-21:2147370:Comment:1357 2008-07-21T11:28:30.357Z Josef Lapka Hi,<br /> <br /> We are arriving at 15.45.<br /> <br /> Coming from london heathrow. It'd be great to share a cab to the Uni!!<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <cite>Brian Kelly said:</cite><blockquote cite=""><div>Note that myself and Marieke are flying from Birmingham departing at 14.15 and arriving in Aberdeen at 15.35. Anyone else either getting that flight or arriving at Aberdeen airport at around that time? If so we could travel to the University together.</div> </blockquote> Hi,<br /> <br /> We are arriving at 15.45.<br /> <br /> Coming from london heathrow. It'd be great to share a cab to the Uni!!<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <cite>Brian Kelly said:</cite><blockquote cite=""><div>Note that myself and Marieke are flying from Birmingham departing at 14.15 and arriving in Aberdeen at 15.35. Anyone else either getting that flight or arriving at Aberdeen airport at around that time? If so we could travel to the University together.</div> </blockquote> Brian Kelly said:Note that my…,2008-07-21:2147370:Comment:1323 2008-07-21T01:32:33.323Z Michael Nolan <cite>Brian Kelly said:</cite><blockquote cite=";page=1&amp;commentId=2147370%3AComment%3A1125&amp;x=1#2147370Comment1203"><div>Note that myself and Marieke are flying from Birmingham departing at 14.15 and arriving in Aberdeen at 15.35. Anyone else either getting that flight or arriving at Aberdeen airport at around that time? If so we could travel to the University together.</div> </blockquote> <br /> We'll be departing Ormskirk a&hellip; <cite>Brian Kelly said:</cite><blockquote cite=";page=1&amp;commentId=2147370%3AComment%3A1125&amp;x=1#2147370Comment1203"><div>Note that myself and Marieke are flying from Birmingham departing at 14.15 and arriving in Aberdeen at 15.35. Anyone else either getting that flight or arriving at Aberdeen airport at around that time? If so we could travel to the University together.</div> </blockquote> <br /> We'll be departing Ormskirk around 14:00... and arriving in Aberdeen many, many hours later. Note that myself and Marieke…,2008-07-19:2147370:Comment:1203 2008-07-19T09:37:23.203Z Brian Kelly Note that myself and Marieke are flying from Birmingham departing at 14.15 and arriving in Aberdeen at 15.35. Anyone else either getting that flight or arriving at Aberdeen airport at around that time? If so we could travel to the University together. Note that myself and Marieke are flying from Birmingham departing at 14.15 and arriving in Aberdeen at 15.35. Anyone else either getting that flight or arriving at Aberdeen airport at around that time? If so we could travel to the University together. Ah good, exactly what I wante…,2008-07-18:2147370:Comment:1162 2008-07-18T12:49:39.162Z Ian Senior Ah good, exactly what I wanted to find out...<br /> Ian Ah good, exactly what I wanted to find out...<br /> Ian Brilliant!! See people there.…,2008-07-17:2147370:Comment:1125 2008-07-17T14:34:34.125Z Claire Gibbons Brilliant!! See people there.<br /> <br /> C. Brilliant!! See people there.<br /> <br /> C. Informal meeting is planned a…,2008-07-07:2147370:Comment:856 2008-07-07T18:11:17.856Z Marieke Guy Informal meeting is planned at the Old Blackfriars pub, 52 Castle St, Aberdeen, AH11 5BB.<br /> <br /> See:<br /> <a href=""></a><br /> <br /> Mike Whyment has created a quick map from the pub on Monday night back to Campus and Hillhead.<br /> See<br /> <a href=""></a> Informal meeting is planned at the Old Blackfriars pub, 52 Castle St, Aberdeen, AH11 5BB.<br /> <br /> See:<br /> <a href=""></a><br /> <br /> Mike Whyment has created a quick map from the pub on Monday night back to Campus and Hillhead.<br /> See<br /> <a href=""></a>