IWMW 2008

Supporting The IWMW 2008 Event

Hi everyone

Thanks for joining this group, and sorry (if you arrived here via invite) if the message you received from me was a little bit..succinct.. Ning only lets you add 200 characters so I had to keep trimming important things I wanted to put in..

Firstly, hello. My name is Mike Ellis. I work for a not for profit IT company called Eduserv and I'll be facilitating the mashup workshop at IWMW 2008. You should have my email address in the invitation you received - do at any time feel free to get in touch either publically using Ning (this thing) or via email.

I'll be using this online space to share documents, thoughts and information about the workshop, and also to get some more information about you and what you want to get out of the session. We only have an hour and a half (gulp) so it'd be really useful if I could get a really good understanding about you and what you want.

At some point in the near future I'll put a link to a simple online survey. If you could fill this in, that'd be great. It'll only take about five minutes and should give me a good sense of your technical competencies (or not) and what experience you have (or not) with the concept of mashing.

As with other mashup workshops that I've run, I'm keen that conversations run before, during and also after the event itself - the plan is that any workshop materials I/we produce will be made available via Ning (or Slideshare etc) and that as questions arise into the future, we can collaborate on solutions together. To me this works much better than a kind of "fire and forget" 90 minute standalone session. Hopefully you'll agree :-)

I'll make the survey available in the next week or so. Until then, please feel free to use Ning to get in touch or to post any initial suggestions / questions that you may have.



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