B3: The Real Information Environment Discussions - IWMW 2008 2010-08-16T09:00:19Z http://iwmw2008.ning.com/group/b3therealinformationenvironment/forum?feed=yes&xn_auth=no Guidelines for using external Web 2.0 services tag:iwmw2008.ning.com,2008-07-10:2147370:Topic:967 2008-07-10T14:47:01.967Z Martin Poulter I think Chris Adie has done a fantastic piece of work with this document, and it's extremely relevant to this session. I expect many of you will be aware of it, but if not I recommend <a href="http://www.ucs.ed.ac.uk/bits/2007/october_2007/item7.html">getting it from the University of Edinburgh Information Services site</a>. I think Chris Adie has done a fantastic piece of work with this document, and it's extremely relevant to this session. I expect many of you will be aware of it, but if not I recommend <a href="http://www.ucs.ed.ac.uk/bits/2007/october_2007/item7.html">getting it from the University of Edinburgh Information Services site</a>. Welcome tag:iwmw2008.ning.com,2008-07-10:2147370:Topic:965 2008-07-10T14:36:46.965Z Martin Poulter Kwansuree and I welcome you to the group for our session on embedding external services. The real information environment is made up of all the external services (in broadest sense, not just "web services") that can add features to your site, or on which you can have a web presence. For example, YouTube enables my site to embed Flash video, to have videos discussed (and disparaged!) and also enables my project to offer its brand to a new audience.<br /> <br /> On the one hand, we all want to provide new fun&hellip; Kwansuree and I welcome you to the group for our session on embedding external services. The real information environment is made up of all the external services (in broadest sense, not just "web services") that can add features to your site, or on which you can have a web presence. For example, YouTube enables my site to embed Flash video, to have videos discussed (and disparaged!) and also enables my project to offer its brand to a new audience.<br /> <br /> On the one hand, we all want to provide new functions to our users and external services provide ways to do this. On the other, there are well documented risks on many fronts; usability, legality, sustainability, brand control and so on. As an example, I'm pleased to have this forum to get in touch with other attendees, but I'm bombarded with ads telling me to work from home and lose weight fast. Not a huge or insoluble problem, but as with any use of external services, there's a trade-off.<br /> <br /> In this session, I hope we'll be able to freely discuss benefits and risks, both experienced and anticipated. We won't be trying to derive some universal conclusion, because each of us has a different audience and each service has its own merits. However, we hope that each of us will come away better informed both about general strategy and about specific services.<br /> <br /> We're keen to hear your own experiences. Are you providing a service which is dependent on an external commercial company? If so, what's your back-up plan? This post is short of examples of external services: which sites and services did you think of? Do you feel a pressure to move to "Web2.0" and what do you think that would involve? Are there services that you are thinking of using in the future? Are there services which are trendy but that you wouldn't touch with a bargepole? Please bring some suggestions to the session.<br /> <br /> If you'd like to demo your site in the session, please message myself or Kwansuree.