B7: What's the Point of Having Developers in a Web 2.0 World? Discussions - IWMW 2008 2010-08-16T08:57:04Z http://iwmw2008.ning.com/group/b7/forum?feed=yes&xn_auth=no What's the point of the web team at all? tag:iwmw2008.ning.com,2008-07-18:2147370:Topic:1151 2008-07-18T11:42:55.151Z Phil Wilson Can it all be successfully outsourced to a combination of consultants and web 2.0 companies?<br /> <br /> We're tempted to broaden the topic for this discussion to take on all of this - any takers? Or should we keep it narrower? Can it all be successfully outsourced to a combination of consultants and web 2.0 companies?<br /> <br /> We're tempted to broaden the topic for this discussion to take on all of this - any takers? Or should we keep it narrower? Are we becoming Information mashers or Consultants tag:iwmw2008.ning.com,2008-07-02:2147370:Topic:715 2008-07-02T10:17:05.715Z dmackland This is very true. I find more and more of my working day relates to researching web 2.0 products seeing how they can be used at the University, can they be <s>mashed</s> integrated with current systems like our Portal. Anybody else out there feel they are doing similar? This is very true. I find more and more of my working day relates to researching web 2.0 products seeing how they can be used at the University, can they be <s>mashed</s> integrated with current systems like our Portal. Anybody else out there feel they are doing similar?