Discussion-Group-B Discussions - IWMW 2008 2010-08-16T08:19:51Z http://iwmw2008.ning.com/group/discussiongroupb/forum/topic/list?feed=yes&xn_auth=no Feedback tag:iwmw2008.ning.com,2008-08-20:2147370:Topic:1990 2008-08-20T15:40:55.990Z Mike McConnell <b>Key Benefits:</b><br /> <br /> Meeting face-to-face;<br /> Getting away from desk;<br /> In the bar - new ideas, inspiration;<br /> 'Connecting with the emotion' behind the ideas.<br /> <br /> <b>IWMW of the Future</b><br /> <br /> Live audience but online audience 'dipping in and out' via streams, participative technologies such as Twitter;<br /> Web 2.0 media used inbetween things - 'glue' that holds the community together - remember people in the intervening years;<br /> communities of interest flourish via technologies;<br /> trial ideas via these technologie&hellip; <b>Key Benefits:</b><br /> <br /> Meeting face-to-face;<br /> Getting away from desk;<br /> In the bar - new ideas, inspiration;<br /> 'Connecting with the emotion' behind the ideas.<br /> <br /> <b>IWMW of the Future</b><br /> <br /> Live audience but online audience 'dipping in and out' via streams, participative technologies such as Twitter;<br /> Web 2.0 media used inbetween things - 'glue' that holds the community together - remember people in the intervening years;<br /> communities of interest flourish via technologies;<br /> trial ideas via these technologies in advance of next conference;<br /> 'wisdom of crowds' selection of programme by punters.<br /> <br /> <b>Achieving the IWMW of the Future</b><br /> <br /> Overcome inertia/cynicism to technologies;<br /> Birds-of-a-feather/Special Interest groups;<br /> More Barcamp-style spontaneity.