Institutional Web Management Workshop 2008:
What's the Point of having Developers in a Web 2.0 World?

What's the Point of having Developers in a Web 2.0 World?

What's the Point of having Developers in a Web 2.0 World?
Phil Wilson, and Tom Natt, both Web Developers at the University of Bath

With the ever-increasing quality of third-party tools lowering the barriers for enthusiasts to provide Web-based services for their teams and departments, what's the point in having an insitutional Web development team? Can they provide anything that someone with the time, motivation and a decent tool can't? Should Web Services just be innovating on top of these services (and if so, how?), or should they be disbanded in favour of outsourcing?

A short introductory presentation will be followed by a roundtable discussion with sweets on offer to keep our energy up!

Room Requirements:
PC and data projector provided as standard.
Taylor A17
Wednesday 23rd July 2008 from 15:30-17:00
Contact Details
Phil Wilson
Web Developer
University of Bath
Phone: +44 (0) 1255 383785 hcard
Tom Natt
Web Developer
University of Bath
Phone: +44 (0) 1255 383832 Further information about hcard use and Microformats