Prior to becoming the University of St Andrews Web Manager,
Stephen Evans was an IT manager and
research scientist at Cambridge University, where he developed intranet and Web database
applications for a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) laboratory. During his research
career he imaged the inside of a wide variety of objects including melons, strawberries and knees!
While MRI was a fascinating technique, he gained more satisfaction from developing
Web-based solutions to help others with their research.
Steve is now responsible for the management and development of the University of St Andrews Web site. This includes managing the University's content management system. In addition, his role includes supporting and assisting all service Units and Schools with any Web related matters.
His main interests are information architecture and developing solutions to enhance the ways the Web is used to organise and disseminate information.
Stephen facilitated a workshop on "Mind Mapping for Effective Content Management" with Gareth Saunders.
Stephen can be contacted at <>.