Cameron Neylon
(STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory) is a biophysicist
who has always worked in interdisciplinary areas. After undergraduate
studies in metabolic biochemistry at the University of Western Australia
he moved to the Australian National University, Canberra to purse a PhD
in protein chemistry. In 1999 he tool up a Wellcome Trust International
Fellowship at the University of Bath, working on the screening of
peptide libraries for activators of membrane receptors and in 2001 moved
to the University of Southampton as Lecturer in Combinatorial Chemistry.
In 2005 he commenced a joint appointment as Senior Scientist in Biomolecular Sciences at the ISIS Pulsed Neutron and Muon Facility, STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory. Since 2005, in collaboration with Jeremy Frey (University of Southampton) he has been involved in the development and optimisation of blog based electronic notebook systems for the biochemistry laboratories and the development of systems for monitoring and capturing data from the laboratory, the so-called 'Blogging Lab'. Through this work he has become a prominent member of the international community advocating the adoption of a more open approach to research practice. His group is currently moving to a fully Open Notebook approach where the research worker's laboratory notebook is made public as it being recorded. This process is being recorded and analysed in his Blog, Science in the Open.
Cameron gave a plenary talk on "Science in the You Tube Age: How Web Based Tools are Enabling Open Research Practice".
Cameron can be contacted at <>.