Alison Wildish is an advocate of
institutions embracing third party services to support their marketing/communications
initiatives and has an active interest in the opportunities offered by personalisation
and user owned technologies. Heading up the Web Services team at the University of Bath
she manages the central Web team and is responsible for the strategic direction of
University Web services. She formerly held the same position at Edge Hill University
where she led projects which include; the
University portal project and the development of the
Applicant Community Web site (winner of a UCISA best practice award).
Alison blogs at
Last year Alison gave a plenary talk entitled "Let the Students do the Talking..." which focussed on the approach to Web services at Edge Hill. This year she gaveg a plenary talk entitled "Look Who's Talking Now..." which, following her move to Bath, focusses on the differences between managing Web services at new and established Universities and answering the question - has her vision changed as a result?
Alison can be contacted at <>.