UKOLN Evaluation of the "Institutional Web Management:The Next Steps" Workshop

A workshop aimed at staff involved in running institutional web services was be held at Goldsmiths College, London from 7-9th September 1999.

This document summarises the evaluation of the workshop. It includes an overall summary, a summary of the individual speakers, a summary of the parallel sessions and a summary of the exhibition.

Overall Workshop Evaluation

The analysis of the workshop evaluation forms indicate that, on a scale of 1 (poor) to 5 (excellent) the overall content of the workshop was given a rating of 4.08 and the organisation was given a rating of 4.35. Seventeen people gave the content a top rating of 5, with 32 people rating the content at 4 and 12 at 3. The ratings for the organisation were even more impressive, with no fewer than 30 scores of 5, 24 of 4 and 8 scores of 3. There were no rating of less than 3 for the overall content or organisation.

Comments on the overall content include:

Comments on the workshop organisation include:

The most highly-rated speakers are listed in the following table (5=excellent, 1=poor):

Speaker Title Score
Danny Sullivan Getting Your Web Site Listed 4.5
James Currall Experiences With XML 4.1
John Slater Who Will Rid Me Of This Troublesome Beast? 4.1
David Christmas / Ian Roddis Beyond Brochureware 4.0
Andrew Cormack Web Site Security 3.9

Comments on Individual Speakers

Comments for John Slater included:

Comments for Joe Passmore included:

Comments for Michael Wilson included:

Comments for David Christmas included:

Comments for Brett Burridge included:

Comments for James Currall included:

Comments for Andrew Cormack included:

Comments for Helen Sargan included:

Comments for Danny Sullivan included:

Evaluation Of Parallel Sessions

Comments for the Intranets and Extranets session included:

Comments for the Web Tools session included:

Comments for the Web Design session included:

Comments for the Legal Issues session included:

Comments for the Web Site Navigation session included:

Comments for the Web Editor session included:

Comments for the Metadata session included:

Evaluation of the Exhibition

The average rating for the Exhibition was 3.2 (5=excellent and 1=poor). There were 7 scores of 5 (excellent), 25 scores of 4, 13 scores of 3, 8 scores of 2 and only one score of 1 (poor).

Comments for the Exhibition included: