Experiences with XML:
beyond the hype

[ Where is XML right now? ]

          * A definition *
          [ What is XML? ]

          [ XML essentials ]

          * Why do we need a diversity of tagsets? *
          [ Three categories of use ]

                    * International standards for information transfer *
                    [ Farewell to Greek bearing GIFs ]

                              * The problem *

                              * Pictures in Web Pages *
                              [ GIFs in Web Pages ]

                              * Mathematical information content *
                              [ Transferring mathematical meaning ]

                              * MathML *

                    * Organisational needs *
                    [ Committee document system ]

                              * The problem *

                              * Generating documents in Word *
                              [ Word as an XML editor? ]

                              * The XML information repository *
                              [ Conversion to XML for storage ]

                              * 'Products' produced by XSLT stylesheets *
                              [ XSLT stylesheet 'products' ]
                                        ~ Committee document ~
                                        ~ Metadata page ~
                                        ~ Format choice page ~

                              * 'Products' using the XML corpus *
                              [ Downstream uses of the XML ]

                    * Personal Applications *
                    [ Slide maker ]

                              * The problem *

                              * The show XML DTD and tagset *

                                        * The XML for this slide *
                                        [ The XML for the previous slide ]

                              * Outputs produced by XSLT stylesheets *
                              [ XSLT stylesheet outputs ]
                                        ~ Tree diagram in plain text ~

          * Modes of XML use *
          [ Deployment of XML ]

          * The current state of browser support *
          [ Browser support ]

          * Conclusions *

          [ Acknowledgement ]