communicating RT @CameronNeylon Mark Rogers "Sometimes as a company your best contribution to social media is just to deliver your product right" #oxsmc09
Jane_Howitt RT @caffeinebomb: @bertil_hatt Facebook groups let people associate with a cause easily - rarely do they return. Gesture politics. #oxsmc09
ianrobertwaugh Phillipe Starck on Design for Life says he only does good design when not thinking abt 'Design'. Can we do the same in soc media? #oxsmc09
Danne_Hotchkiss RT @kate_day:Bigger issues are privacy, access says Kara Swisher; stop bellyaching about whether or not we should have social media #oxsmc09
drgrahamwilson It is frightening to hear that Google, of all organisations, should say it doesn't see any value in dialogue with its customers. #OXSMC09
saratindall1977 @caffeinebomb #oxsmc09 forgot the hash tag! anyway, noone is preaching anything is this session- v interesting look at what is going on @ mo
geoffbannister #oxsmc09 Excellent @marketsentinel CEO Mark Rogers talks about most imp soc network policy: do good & they will write +ve things about you.
megpickard RT @kate_day Will the next election be the first Internet election? No, says @iaindale Email will still be the most important thing #oxsmc09
drgrahamwilson If you have a sharp brain, it is a delicate tightrope - use it +vely for long-term good or use it 'sharply' & get quick laughs. #OXSMC09
caffeinebomb American politics is so different from british (english) politics. Can't imagine us rallying around to support any candidate/puppet #oxsmc09
drgrahamwilson What about the ways that social media ARE benefitting society - enabling information sharing, collaboration, medical, educational #OXSMC09
drgrahamwilson Sorry, but this is a little dated. We're focused on old topics - the need to 'critically' view the 'net etc, democratization, etc. #OXSMC09
cyberdoyle RT @caffeinebomb: Ok look, everyone in ths room cn witter & reflect abt social media (and internet) it does not maketh a conference #oxsmc09
geoffbannister #oxsmc09 Evgeny Morozov: engagement w/ web groups eg FB good cause groups, can let users feel they have made difference when they haven't.
geoffbannister #oxsmc09 Matthew Hindman says you do need permission to publish on web in order to get audience-surely it's just case of writing good copy?
petecranston RT @briankelly: - "Obahma campaign was centralised" So is this session at #oxsmc09 ... 95% of the brains hearing 5%
petecranston certainly hearing insiders describing Obama's campain bears out Hindman at #oxsmc09 claim that it was the most top-down, controlled campaign
bertil_hatt RT @art: @bertil_hatt [...] videos soon after the conference #oxsmc09 › :^D I can go back to work, then. (PS: can you sync tweets to feed?)
geoffbannister #oxsmc09 Matthew Hindman, Pol Science Dept at Ariz State Uni making case against view of 'low barriers' to net entry.
caffeinebomb @stuarthoughton yeah, but so what? It's superficial. Facebook is a platform, we all use it differently. Impossible to generalise. #oxsmc09
CameronNeylon How to stress test your wifi network - hold a social media conference (I'm ok, on a different network due to my other conference) #oxsmc09
drgrahamwilson RT @caffeinebomb: #oxsmc09 "Magnetic toilet paper" How did they know I shit nuts and bolts? [Ironically, she said with a steely expression]
caffeinebomb @Snarklife and yet, people are doing it and reaping benefits - and yet, wider institution (eg uni, gov +marketing) can't accept it #oxsmc09
caffeinebomb RT @Snarklife #oxsmc09 people don't commnt on sci papers cos there's no commuity mangemnt. That's what happens when leave marshalling to eds
caffeinebomb You'd like the conversation to be less fragmented, but, it isn't - it's just not happening on your trad web real estate. Aggregate. #oxsmc09
caffeinebomb RT @stuartgh @me ah its back to money, well you are sitting in a busischool, in recession, why worry when there's a mini web boom?! #oxsmc09
geoffbannister #oxsmc09 Jonathan Ford, Reuters Comm Editor, talks of how credit crunch sped up importance of citizen bloggers- his blog
bengoldacre #oxsmc09 is oxfordsocialmedia convention btw, ignore my tweets for next few hrs if it bores you... there shld be a way to go stealth 4 this
bengoldacre #oxsmc09 great thought from half me and half cameron, dont say "public engagement", engagement is also interdisciplinary nerd communication
drgrahamwilson RT @thannigan: Is quality determined post-hoc? Is it possible to predict quality? (ie. do credientials ultimately determine it?) #oxsmc09
RadleyChronicle #oxsmc09 John Kelly says journalists need to be better at labelling content posted - is it verified, unsubstantiated? via @geoffbannister
caffeinebomb @cyberdoyle People like @AJCann and @jobadge at UoL (and their network) have plugged me into a community + made science accessible. #oxsmc09
cyberdoyle @caffeinebomb my brother co-writes a scientific journal. double dutch. he then talks about it & it makes sense. blogs r great tools #oxsmc09
MelindaKenneway #oxsmc09 Nature: academics don't join online discussions on their sites. Academic: those conversations are happening elsewhere (blogs etc)
caffeinebomb The online scientific community is large and wide-spread. It can be overlooked b/c the general public fail to understand process. #oxsmc09
caffeinebomb I'm glad not in journalism session - sounds like heard it all before. This is far more insightful - because it isn't in your face. #oxsmc09
bengoldacre and Nature invite people to upload protocol, which shld be compulsory for all work before you start, before u even think of journal #oxsmc09
geoffbannister #oxsmc09 @sambrook says: News agencies don't 'own' the news- now rely on soc networks for part of their work, Twitter correspondents etc
caffeinebomb @timmaughan Surely communication is something that needs to be relevant in science, otherwise you end up condensing it to trivia. #oxsmc09
georgeroberts ids, created today @lilli743 @reimer698 Tweets "About oxsmc09" and Manage oxsmc09 from are attacks! Now thick and fast from more #oxsmc09
caffeinebomb What social tech needs is figures like @bengoldacre - help cut through the tripe and BS that emerges when smug people get together. #oxsmc09
keithwilley My Mrs cannot even charge her phone.. technology lock-in? RT @chapp: 20% of couples marrying in Britain met online says @billdutton #oxsmc09
lewisshepherd Ah, our glorious realtime-context future: RT @billt will someone twitpic a photo of the panel for me? Want to check my hair at #oxsmc09 :-)
purpleraindance RT #oxsmc09 @billt Trust networks can build very quickly, but can be broken quickly too. They changed the nature of news reporting totally
EvidenceMatters rt @CameronNeylon I think we need to structure things into narratives to get our human brains around them. We like telling stories. #oxsmc09
petecranston RT @caffeinebomb: LMAO RT @snarklife at #oxsmc09. sponsored by You have to wonder why we all put our keys into a bowl on arrival.
CameronNeylon @drgrahamwilson I think we need to structure things into narratives to get our human brains around them. We like telling stories. #oxsmc09
geoffbannister #oxsmc09 @billt Trust networks can build very quickly, but can be broken quickly too. They have changed the nature of news reporting totally
ianrobertwaugh Did we ever 'trust' the media... or other individuals either? Getting the truth has always been about aggregating info in our heads #oxsmc09
CameronNeylon I would argue that the people who are successful will be those who effectively bring challenging and relevant info to their inbox #oxsmc09
CameronNeylon @billt: the web will provide challenges rather than simple reinforcement cos will be selecting from feeds connected at deeper level #oxsmc09
pcockerton Someone just texted bizarre question to 63336 from #oxsmc09. Sharing the answer: American idol is 202 times harder to get into than Harvard.
suchprettyeyes Widespread use of internet can have unintended consequences (e.g. WoW gold farming) democratised or can centralisation = xenophobia #oxsmc09
Martebjarte RT @PeterBale: "If it ain't broke don't fix it" vs engineering view: "If it ain't broke it doesn't have enough features" - Shadbolt #oxsmc09
axiomsofchoice #oxsmc09 all this technology should make our lives more efficient but the connection for attention from the technology now seem to be domin8
geoffbannister #oxsmc09 @Nigel_Shadbolt jokes: Normal folk say if it ain't broke, don't fix it. Engineers - if it ain't broke, it ain't got enough features
caffeinebomb Taking conference notes here: - they are open to the vultures. Fight it, don't just take it for granted. #oxsmc09
caffeinebomb But there is a time and a place - and this is the perfect place for this sort of one sided discussion. Come on guys, challenge it! #oxsmc09
ianrobertwaugh Are new advances are hard to predict because they're flashes of inspiration, not planned developments? Route to market is so short! #oxsmc09
drgrahamwilson #OXSMC09 - Self-publishing used to be a dirty word - Narcisism already mentioned - is this fear or does psychopathology need redefinition?
geoffbannister #oxsmc09 Highly entertaining @billt says, once we don't require people to ask permission before they post online, they create great content.
MelindaKenneway #oxsmc09 Bill Thompson from BBC sets up competition for who can set up a vibrant online community most successfully during the conference
CameronNeylon The dif between this meeting and one I've been at for the rest of the week. As many laptops but people engaging not checking email #oxsmc09