Raising Awareness

"A centre of excellence in digital information management, providing advice and services to the library, information and cultural heritage communities."

UKOLN is based at the University of Bath.

Site Rolling Demos

This page provides access to rolling demonstrations of various communities including:

This facility may be useful if you are thinking about updating your Web site and would like to see the approaches taken by other institutions within our community.

The page will be updated every 6 or 10 seconds. Note that if you leave the demonstration to work through all Web sites, the pages should be held in your local cache, which will enable you to work through the pages more quickly, by clicking on the Forward button. This should also work in you select Offline working in your browser (although this will not work for the 404 error pages).

Note that some of the demonstrations will display pages which are normally displayed within a frame, so what you see is not what a user at the site would see.

Comments welcome, including details of information which needs updating. please email

Creating Your Own Rolling Demo

If you wish to create your own rolling demo, you should download the files below, and edit the Kiosk file, replacing the first set of URLs with your URLs, and the second set of URLs with the text to be displayed. Note that the two set of URLs and the time in seconds must have the same number of entries.

Remember that you should download these files (i.e. use your browser's save option).

You should edit the kiosk file so that it contains:

  • The URLs of the resources
  • The time in seconds the resource is to be displayed
  • Text to be displayed (in my case, this is the URL)

Please note that quotes are significant and that there must be equal numbers of URLs, time and test - otherwise the program will not run.

You should also edit the control file so that it contains the file name of your kiosk file.