UKOLN | Cultural Heritage | RSS
This area of the UKOLN web site provide access to RSS feeds for the resources aimed at the cultural heritage sector.
What Is RSS?
RSS is a syndication format which can be used to allow Web content to be embedded in other Web pages or applications. RSS is often used for news and alerts - the term RSS news feeds is often used in this context. However RSS can also be used as a general syndication format.
Making Use Of UKOLN's RSS Feeds
UKOLN is providing access to RSS feeds to provide access to its briefing documents. This may be useful for individuals who wish to manage access to their preferred resources using an RSS reader. In addition cultural heritage organisations may also wish to embed these resources in their own Web sites. This can be done by embedding RSS reading software in your Web pages. Alternatively you could set up a page on a service such as Netvibes.
RSS Feeds
The RSS feeds are intended for adding to an RSS reader. In many modern Web browsers you can select an RSS reader (such as Google Reader) from the browser page when you click on the RSS link.
Key Feeds
- Feed: Briefing documents
- Feed: New briefing documents
- Feed: Forthcoming events
- Feed: Cultural Heritage blog
- Feed: Cultural Heritage blog comments
Additional Feeds
- Feed: Events held in 2009
- Feed: Events held in 2008
Other UKOLN Feeds
- Feed: UKOLN News
In addition to these resources on the UKOLN Web site, a number of blogs are provided by staff at UKOLN which cover topics likely to be of interest to the cultural heritage sector. The blogs are:
- UK Web Focus Blog
- The UK Web Focus covers a wide range of topics related to the Web, Web 2.0,
standards and accessibility.
Web site: http://ukwebfocus.wordpress.com/
Feed: http://ukwebfocus.wordpress.com/feed/ - JISC-PoWR Project Blog
- The JISC-PoWR project provides advice on the preservation of Web sites and
Web resources. Although targeted at the JISC sector, the issues raised on
the blog will be of relevance to the cultural heritage sector too.
Web site: http://jiscpowr.jiscinvolve.org/
Feed: http://jiscpowr.jiscinvolve.org/
The OPML feed provides an aggregated view of RSS feeds. It allows multiple RSS feeds to be easily added to an RSS reader.
Viewing The RSS Feeds
If you wish to embed access to UKOLN's resources for the cultural heritage sector on your own Web site, you can do this by adding an RSS or OPML reader to your Web site.
An example of usew of an OPML viewer to provide access to UKOLN's cultural heritage resources is shown below. This tool uses the Grazr OPML viewer to display UKOLN's OPML file.
Please note the following:
UKOLN Responsibilities
- UKOLN will seek to ensure that the address of its published RSS feeds are kept stable.
- UKOLN will seek to ensure that its published RSS feeds are valid kept stable.