Brian Kelly
Following the cessation of JISC core funding, Brian Kelly was made redundant on 31 July 2013. The following information provides an overview of Brian's activities at UKOLN from October 1996 - July 2013.
Note that up-to-date information about Brian's professional activities is available on the UKOLN Diaspora Web site.
Job Title
UK Web Focus and ISC Community Engagement Manager
Contact Details:
University of Bath
Tel: +44 (0) 1225 383943
Fax: +44 (0) 1225 386838
The Job I Do
I am member of the UKOLN ISC's Executive.
In my role as UK Web Focus, I have interests in identifying ways of using innovative
Web developments to support institutional activities. I am also has responsibilities
for managing the ISC's communications activities.
I have been the chair or co-chair of the organising committee for the Institutional Web Management Workshop series), an event that I launched in 1997 and that continues to support the development of the institutional Web management community of practice.
I have long-standing interests in the preservation of Web resources and am continuing work in this area, which will include the preservation of content and services hosted in the Cloud.
During 2010/11 I ran the Evidence, Impact, Metrics activity, which developed approaches for the systematic quantitative evidence-gathering approaches that could help identify and shape the impact of online services. I continued to be involved in such evidence-gathering approaches, in particular as part of the joint UKOLN/CETIS JISC Observatory work. This work aims to identify early technology trends in order to ensure that JISC and the JISC Community can make appropriate plans for managing the implications of technological developments.
Key Resources
A list of papers and presentations is available.
The UK Web Focus blog provides the main dissemination and communications channel for UK Web Focus activities. In addition I also write posts on the ISC blog.
Social Media Services
The following social media services are used to support my professional activities:
Research Activities
The following citation services are used which provide further information related to my peer-reviewed papers:
Note that my ORCID ID is 0000-0001-5875-8744.