Digital repositories supporting eResearch: exploring the eCrystals Federation ModelEBank/R4L/SPECTRa Joint Consultation Workshop, London Metropole Hotel20 October 2006 |
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Introduction | Programme | Booking Form
09.30 | Arrival Coffee
/ Tea |
10.15 | Welcome and Introduction Background and context. |
Liz Lyon, UKOLN, University of Bath (Chair) |
10.20 | Supporting chemistry and crystallography workflows to enable effective data dissemination: R4L and eBank | Simon Coles University of
Southampton [presentation] |
11.00 | Research data and e-Learning | Professor Gráinne Conole, Open
University [presentation] |
11.30 | SPECTRa update: wider chemistry picture | Alan Tongeand Jim Downing,
University of Cambridge [presentation] |
11.50 | The publisher view: 2 perspectives | Richard Kidd [presentation]
RSC and Peter Strickland,IUCr [presentation] |
12.10 | ChemRefer: an introduction | William Griffiths, ChemRefer [presentation] |
12.30 | Discussion |
13.00 | Lunch |
13.45 | Introduction to Breakout Groups
1) Capturing chemistry data in the lab, designing and managing data repositories 2) Federation and interoperability of repositories 3) Learner, publisher, portal provider and data centre requirements in a repository enabled environment |
Liz Lyon (Chair) Facilitators: 1) Dr Jeremy Frey, University of Southampton 2) Dr Les Carr, University of Southampton 3) Peter Morgan, University of Cambridge |
15.00 | Feedback Session
15.30 | Panel discussion |
16.15 | Way forward and next steps | Liz Lyon |
16.30 | Close |
Introduction | Programme | Booking Form