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10.00 15.00 Registration, hotel foyer. Coffee/tea, hotel lounge
13.00 14.00 Lunch. Hot and cold buffet. Ballroom Area D
14.00 14.05 Introductions. Ballroom
14.05 14.30 Opening Address in the Ballroom
Highways and Byways in the ICT Age Professor Maxwell Irvine, Vice-Chancellor, University of Birmingham and Chairman of JISC
14.30 15.30 Keynote Address in the Ballroom
NSF Support for International Collaborations in DigitalLibraries and Information Technology Mike Lesk, Natonal Science Foundation and Telcordia Technologies
Going Global: JISC in the International Scene Reg Carr, Director of University Library Services, University of Oxford. Chair of JISC Committee for Electronic Information (presentation)
15.30 16.00 Coffee/tea, hotel lounge
16.00 16.45 Parallel Sessions
1) Ballroom
From the virtual map library to Geospatial Digital Libraries EDINA Digimap and beyond Dr. David Medyckyi Scott, EDINA Service Manager
2) Packwood Room
US Intellectual Property: National Research Council IP Report Howard Besser, Associate Professor, University of California Los Angeles, School of Education and Information Studies, Clifford Lynch, Executive Director, CNI
3) Blenheim Room
NSF/JISC Project Report. London Redivivus: Automatic Integration of a City-Scale Digital Library Gregory Crane, Professor in Classics, Tufts University (presentation)
17.00 17.45 Parallel Sessions
1) Ballroom
Architectural Directions for Distributed Geolibraries Greg Janee, US Alexandria Project University of California, Santa Barbara (presentation)
2) Packwood Room
UK/EU Developments in Intellectual Property Charles Oppenheim, Professor of Information Science, Loughborough University
3) Blenheim Room
NSF/JISC Theme: The Open Archives Initiative: Mechanisms for Federating Eprint Archives. Carl Largoze, Digital Library Scientist, Cornell University, Steven Harnad, Professor of Cognitive Science, University of Southampton
17.45 19.00 Drinks Reception and Finger Buffet, Ballroom Area D
Drinks sponsored by Keycom Ltd
19.00 Evening free for theatre visits etc. Information and online booking available at www.stratford-upon-avon.co.uk Comedy of Errors at the Royal Shakespeare Company, Henry IV, Part 1 at the Swan. Both at 19.30 hrs.
07.30 08.45 Breakfast, Riverside Restaurant
08.45 10.15 Plenary Session in the Ballroom
Basic Values, Middleware, and Advanced Technologies Ken Klingenstein, Project Director, Internet2 Middleware Initiative
Introduced by Annette Haworth Chair of JISC Committee for Authentication and security
10.15 10.45 Coffee/tea, hotel lounge
10.30 13.00 Hatton Room
JISC Board Meeting
10.45 11.40 Parallel Sessions
1) Packwood Room
Middleware. Panel Discussion Ken Klingenstein, Project Director, Internet2 Middleware Initiative, George Brett, Senior Project Coordinator, NLAN/DAST, Alan Robiette, JCAS Programme Director
2) Blenheim Room
SMETE. Towards a Federated Digital Library for Science, Mathematics Engineering and Technology Education, Alice Agogino, Professor, University of California Berkeley, Lee Zia, Programme Director, National Science Foundation
11.50 12.45 Parallel Sessions
1) Ballroom
Preservation. Panel discussion with Clifford Lynch, Executive Director, CNI Peter Graham, University Librarian, Syracuse University
2) Packwood Room
Microsoft Cambridge Project, Roger Needham
3) Blenheim Room
JISC/Publishers Association. EASY- electronic Inter Library Loan Project for UKHE Lyn Norris, Technical Director, ingenta
12.45 -14.00Finger Buffet Lunch, Ballroom Area D
14.00 - 14.45 Parallel Sessions
1) Ballroom
SPARC: Sparking worldwide action in the journals market Alison Buckholtz, AssistantDirector/ Communications, SPARC, Michael Hannant (presentation), Royal Society of Chemistry, John Haynes (presentation), Institute of Physics Publishing, Colin Rourke, Geometry and Topology
2) Packwood Room
Integrated environments for learners are we there yet? Professor John Slater, PVC Learning and Teaching, University of Kent, Canterbury
3) Blenheim Room
IMS Project. Eliminating Digital Divisions Ed Walker, Chief Executive Officer, IMS
14.50 15.35 Parallel Sessions
1) Ballroom
Archives and Access in the Electronic Era: Are we Coming to a Fork in the Road? Kevin Guthrie, President JSTOR
2) Packwood Room
Automatic Librarianship; How effectively can computers be used for the skilled tasks of professional librarianship? William Arms, Professor, Computer Science, Cornell University
3) Blenheim Room
The UK e-University project Alice Frost, e-University Project Manager HEFCE
15.35 16.15Coffee/tea, hotel lounge
16.15 17.15Plenary Session in the Ballroom
Taking the British Library Forward in the 21st Century Lynne Brindley, Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Leeds University and Chief Executive Designate of the British Library (presentation)
Introduced by Miriam Drake, CNI and Dean and Director of Libraries, Georgia Institute of Technology
19.00 Conference Dinner, Ballroom Area D
After Dinner Speaker: Derek Law, Director of Information Strategy, University of Strathclyde
Wine sponsored by ingenta
07.30 09.00Breakfast. Riverside Restaurant
09.00 09.45 Parallel Sessions
1) Ballroom
Enhancing Access to the Internet for Learning, Teaching and Research: The Resource Discovery Network
Justine Kitchen, Information and Training Manager, Resource Discovery Network (presentation)
Emma Place, Research Officer, Institute for Learning and Research Technology, University of Bristol (presentation)
2) Packwood Room
Moving Images & Multimedia Content and Rights in the UK Jeremy Atkinson, Head of Learning Resources Centre, University of Glamorgan. Chair of JISC Moving Pictures & Sound Working Group.
Charles Oppenheim, Professor of Information Science, Loughborough University3) Blenheim Room
Rights Standards for Electronic Books Thomas R. Diaz, Vice-President of Product Development, Glassbook Inc.
09.50 10.45 Parallel Sessions
1) Ballroom
Assessment of Cost, Quality, and Value in University IT Services
Christopher Peebles, Associate Vice President and Dean for Information Technology,
Professor of Anthropology Indiana University (presentation)2) Packwood Room
Moving Images in the US Howard Besser, Associate Professor, University of California Los Angeles, School of Education and Information Studies
3) Blenheim Room
Digital preservation in UK higher education and beyond Neil Beagrie, JISC Digital Preservation Focus (presentation)
10.45 11.15Coffee/tea. hotel lounge
11.15 12.15Plenary Session in the Ballroom
The Distributed National Electronic Resource Programme Lorcan Dempsey, DNER Programme Director (presentation)
Introduced by Malcom Read, JISC Secretary
12.15 12.45Closing remarks
Clifford Lynch, Executive Director, CNI
12.45 Hot and Cold Buffet lunch. Ballroom Area D
14.00Packwood Room. Private JISC/CNI evaluation meeting to consider further collaboration
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