Creating e-Citizens: Developing Public Library Websites for 20055 - 6 November 2002 University of Bath |
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Following the success of the previous two Public Library Web Managers Workshops, UKOLN is proud to announce the third workshop to be held at the University of Bath in November 2002.
This event offers the chance to step back, look at the bigger picture, and see how public library Websites fit into the government's plans to make all services electronically available by 2005. To quote the DTLR consultation paper: e-gov@local, e-Government is about 'putting citizens and customers at the heart of everything we do' .
Speakers will include Maewyn Cumming, Office of the E-envoy, Danny Budzak, Head of Information Management and e-Government, London Borough of Lewisham and Nick Poole, ICT Adviser, Resource.
The event will have a strong practical theme, and will offer plenty of opportunities to discuss and debate issues with speakers and other delegates. The speakers are keen to share their experiences of developing Websites and e-services to meet the needs of the e-citizen.
This will be of relevance to those working towards the Information Consultant and Information Manager Advanced roles which form part of the New Opportunities Fund ICT Training for Public Library Staff Programme as part of delivering the People's Network. It will offer an opportunity to hear from the policy makers and implementers on issues such as analysing users' needs, information design and presentation, understanding regulatory and legislative requirements and content creation.
Staff with an interest in, or responsibility for, the management and development of public library Websites and web-based services.
The University of Bath is set in extensive landscaped grounds, with open views across the countryside. The campus is just over a mile from the centre of the city.
Campus Map [requires Adobe Acrobat Reader]
Registration Details
Please use the workshop booking form to register for the event.
If you have any questions regarding the workshop, Bath or the venue please us at:
University of Bath,
Tel: + 44 (0) 1225 38 5105
Fax: + 44 (0) 1225 38 5105