JISC SIS Landscape Study Blog
JISC is funding a small study to provide a snapshot of the way the UK academic sector is using Web 2.0 tools and services in their work. Although JISC has developed a number of services (e.g. JORUM, JISCmail) specifically for use within the UK HE sector, people within the sector are increasingly using services developed outside the sector, either in addition to - or in some cases instead of - JISC-provided services. And as well as using such services, people are also engaging in 'mashups' where combinations of services and content are used to provide new services or to provide added value to data already held.
We will be using several approaches to collect evidence, including the JISC SIS Landscape Study Blog. To encourage your feedback, we have included in the blog a series of pages, each looking at a different task that Web 2.0 services enable you to do; please add your comments to the various individual pages.
Note: You can find latest updates on our home page and previous articles in Feature archive.