Ariadne 60 Now Available
Issue 60 of Ariadne was published recently. There are articles on institutional repositories and the creative and applied arts as well as on the development of digital repositories for the University of York. There is a contribution on the findings from a UKRDS survey of researchers’ views on preservation and dissemination of research data while Ann Chapman and Rosemary Russell of UKOLN describe the challenge of collecting evidence for a study of how Web 2.0 is being used in the UK HE sector. Readers are introduced to the OJIMS Project and a discussion of the impact of overlay and data journals in the meteorological sciences, and also the Historic Hospitals Admission Records Project. Marianne Takle describes the National Library of Norway’s digitisation strategy and you can also read about E-Curator, a 3D Web-based archive for conservators and curators. Following the CRESC event Archives 2.0: Shifting Dialogues Between Users and Archivists in March, we asked Joy Palmer to examine some of the opportunities and tensions emerging around Archives 2.0, crowd-sourcing, and archival authority. The issue contains a variety of main articles, event reports and reviews.
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