Latest issue of the IJDC
UKOLN has just published on behalf of the Digital Curation Centre issue 2 of Volume 4 of the International Journal of Digital Curation. In addition to 8 research papers and 6 general articles, the issue also contains an exchange of letters to the Editor on the topic of archival authenticity of digital objects.
Two papers feature data on the environment. One lays more emphasis on arrangements for data stewardship while the other is written from the viewpoint of a distant archive, reporting on experiences in managing a "small" Research Data Archive. The other looks at elements of sustainability in distributed approaches that are cooperatively maintained by small cultural memory organizations. A further paper reports on work developing and establishing a well thought-out preservation repository dedicated to a state archive.
Two others address metadata and semantics. One is from the perspective of document authors, particularly of those whose documents may be moved between the two most widely used word-processing systems, Microsoft Office and OpenOffice. The other deals with compound document objects.
Two further papers are loosely related through standards, though from different standpoints. One describes XAM, a standard API for storing fixed content; while from the more general end, the other provides an overview of continuing efforts to develop standards frameworks that might be useful for those thinking of preservation and curation in the context of community participation.
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