Ariadne 65 Now Available
Ariadne Issue 65 was published recently and contains its usual mix of feature articles, event reports and reviews while offering readers the opportunity to complete a survey on their views on the publication. There are features on the development image of presentation technology and methods within art teaching, on research data management services and infrastructure at the University of Oxford, how recent developments in Web technology have affected the relationship between URI and resource representation, an Australian initiative to address technology challenges within current research paradigms, a strategic view of the need to develop academic liaison librarianship and the process adopted by the University of Oregon in order to integrate electronic records management into its staff's workflow, the issues of engaging with donors when it comes to transferring born-digital material to the Wellcome Library and the work of theDevCSI Project for software developers in UK Further and Higher Education to support innovation.
In addition there are reports on this year’s Repository Fringe ‘unconference’ in Edinburgh, the two-day conference ‘Survive or Thrive’ organised by UKOLN on behalf of JISC to consider growth and use of digital content on the Web, the annual Europeana Conference held in Amsterdam, the CIG Conference with the theme Changes in Cataloguing in ‘Interesting Times’ and the Internet Librarian International Conference which focused on innovation and technology.
The reviews in Issue 65 focus on books offering a concept-based approach to contemporary acquisitions practices, an introduction to Information Science, the proceedings of the M-Libraries conference on mobile applications in libraries, the work of the taxonomist, and a student survival aid in the information age.
Note: You can find latest updates on our home page and previous articles in Feature archive.