IWMW2013: Your Speakers
This year's Institutional Web Management Workshop, IWMW 2013, will be held at the University of Bath over 26-28 June.
The 17th in the series of IWMW events designed for practitioners with responsibility for providing institutional Web services, this Workshop is the largest ever, featuring no fewer than 13 plenary talks which are summarised on the UK Web Focus blog. The plenary talks aim to provide an overview of new opportunities which may be available for those with skills in the provision of online services. The talks are grouped in the following themes: Opportunities and Openness, Supporting Key Institutional Drivers, The User Experience, The Changing Technical Landscape, The View from Outside, Institutional Case Studies and What Does the Future Hold? The plenary speakers are:
- Cable Green, Director of Global Learning at Creative Commons, on Open Education: The Business & Policy Case for OER,
- Doug Belshaw, formerly of JISC infoNet and now working for the non-profit Mozilla Foundation who will describe Mozilla, Open Badges and a Learning Standard for Web Literacy.
- Kyriaki Anagnostopoulou, head of the e-leaning team at the University of Bath, on Et tu, MOOC? Massive Online Considerations.
- Amber Thomas, manager of the academic technologies team at the University of Warwick who will describe how her team is Turning our Attention to Supporting Research.
- Jonathan Hassell, lead author of BS 8878, the British Web Accessibility Standard, who will explain how Web managers should Stop Trying to Avoid Losing and Start Winning: How BS 8878 Reframes the Accessibility Question.
- David Cornforth, Jisc infoNet, on his experience in Adapting to Responsive Web Design.
- Martin Hamilton, Head of Internet Services at Loughborough University, articulates his thoughts on The Inside-Out University.
- Paul Walk, Deputy Director, UKOLN, argues in a talk entitled Working with Developers that "if institutional Web managers are to stay on top of their game, they need to be able to get the most out of the software and systems they rely on" and to do this there is a need "to learn how to work well with the developers who build and maintain them".
- Ranjit Sidhu, founder of Statistics into Decisions, will ask 9am, 16th August, 2012: "What the fcuk just happened then?".
- Paul Boag, co-founder of Headscape, will describe how Institutional Culture Is Crippling Your Web Strategy!
- Tim Kaner, Director of Marketing & Communications at the University of Bath, will discuss the implications of a changing marketing model for HE institutions and reflect on the challenges and opportunities ahead in a talk entitled Marketing 2.0.
- Dai Griffiths, Professor at the Institute for Educational Cybernetics, University of Bolton, will argue in a talk on The University in a Bind that as they find themselves subject to increasing financial, regulatory and marketplace pressures, which are pushing them in a number of different directions, institutions are constrained in their ability to adapt or reinvent their identity.
- Finally Neil Denny will describe The Delicious Discomfort of Not Knowing: How to Lead Effectively through Uncertainty.
In addition to the plenary talks, there are 17 parallel sessions which last for 90 minutes which will enable participants to address topics in greater depth.
In the light of the relevance of these talks to those with responsibility for managing institutional Web services - and the attractions of a visit to Bath in June (including a wine reception at the Roman Baths) - we advise early booking. Note that the 3-day event costs £360 which includes accommodation for two nights.
Note: You can find latest updates on our home page and previous articles in Feature archive.