MetadataCollection Description - ISAD(G) | ![]() |
Taken from ISAD(G): General International Standard Archival Description .
Reference code(s) Title Dates of creation of the material in the unit of descriptionExamples:
23 Mar 1927
circa 1930
before 1850
21.2.1915 - 21.12.1915
Optionally, also record
(a) the predominant dates or significant gaps. Never enter predominant dates without inclusive dates.
1703-1908 (predominant 1780-1835)
1923-1945 (lacking 1933 to 1935)
(b) date(s) for records in custody.
Contents: 1907- Contents in custody: 1907-1958 (predominant 1930- ) (predominant 1930-1958)
2 film rolls
128 photographs
19 folders
25 volumes
20 enclosures
20 m (548 articles)
Alternatively, give the linear shelf space or cubic storage space of the unit of description.
300 boxes (30 m)
If the statement of extent for a unit of description is given in linear terms and additional information is desirable, add the additional information in parentheses.
4 m (ca. 10 200 items)
Optionally, where the unit of description is a record-keeping system (or part thereof) in active use, show
128 photographs (at 6 Feb. 1990) In custody: 58 photographs
Name of creatorFor persons or families record information such as full names and titles, dates of birth and death, place of birth, successive places of domicile, activities, occupation or offices, original and any other names, significant accomplishments, and place of death.
Louis Hémon was a French writer born at Brest, France in 1880. He died in Canada at Chapleau (Ont.) in 1913. He studied law at La Sorbonne in Paris. He spent eight years in England before going to Canada in 1911, where he lived in Montréal and on a farm at Péribonka (Lac Saint-Jean). In his short career, he wrote several books and articles. Hémon is famous for: Maria Chapdelaine : récit du Canada français, published for the first time in 1916
For corporate bodies record information such as the official name, the dates of existence, enabling legislation, functions, purpose and development of the body, its administrative hierarchy, and earlier, variant or successive names.
The Freedmen's Bureau was established in the War Department 3 Mar. 1865, to supervise all activities relating to refugees and freedmen and to assume custody of all abandoned or confiscated lands or property. Abolished 10 June 1872, and remaining functions transferred to the Freedmen's Branch, Office of Adjutant General and after 1879, to the Colored Division of the Office of Adjutant General
The Kingston Steam Trawling Company was incorporated in 1891. Hellyer Bros acquired a majority shareholding in 19[?] and the company was absorbed into Associated Fisheries when Hellyer Bros merged with that company in 1961. It ceased trading in 1965 and was dissolved in 1972
La société ardoisière de l'Anjou a été constituée le 16 juillet 1894 par quatre actionnaires dans le but d'acquérir et d'exploiter plusieurs carrières en Maine-et-Loire (Trelazé et Noyant-la-Gravoyère) et dans la Mayenne. L'acquisition des ardoisières de Renazé s'est étalée sur quatre ans: propriétaire de la carrière d'Ensuzières et actionnaire majoritaire de la Société de Laubinière (1894); propriétaire des ardoisières de la Touche et du Fresne (1895); propriétaire de Laubinière (1897). Victime de la concurrence espagnole vers 1960, la société ardoisière de l'Anjou a fermé son dernier puits à Renazé le 31 décembre 1975
(The New York State Joint Legislative Commission to investigate seditious activities
operated and accumulated records from 1917 to 1919. The actual dates of the records within
the series, however, are 1900-1919, reflecting the creation of the original documents
collected as evidence in the commission's investigations.)
(See also approach in 3.1.3)
21.2.1915 - 21.12.1915
Optionally, when the unit of description is acquired directly from the creator, do not record a custodial history but rather, record this information as the Immediate source of acquisition. (See 3.2.5)
The Ocean Falls Corporation records remained in the custody of Pacific Mills Ltd., and its successor companies, until the mill and townsite were taken over by the British Columbia provincial government in 1973. In 1976 the records were transferred to the Ocean Falls Public Library, which began the rearrangement of the records in their current form...
Originally collected by George Madison and arranged by his nephew, John Ferris, after Madison's death. Purchased by Henry Kapper in 1878 who added to the collection with materials purchased at auctions in Philadelphia and Paris, 1878-1893
Records inherited by Houghton Urban District Council in 1937 and later deposited at Durham Record Office. Transferred to Tyne and Wear Archives Service on 28 July 1976
Le fonds de l'exploitation de Renazé comprend, probablement depuis les années 1895-1897, deux fonds d'entreprises absorbées: ceux de la société ardoisière de Laubinière et de l'ardoisière de la Touche, établissement Bourdais et Cie
Transferred from Department of Geography, 16 June 1977
Donated by the sisters of Peter Neve Cotton, Mrs Mary Small of Saltspring Island and Mrs Patricia Jarvis of Bellevue, Washington, March 1983
Purchased at Sotheby's auction, 29 Mar 1977
The orderly books were transferred from Pension Office, 1909; the letter books were transferred from the State Department, 1915
Received from: Euroc AB, Malmö. Date of acquisition: 1978-10-27
Transferred from the Selangor Secretariat, Sultan Abdul Samad Building, Kuala Lumpur, 1967
Don de la Société ardoisière de l'Anjou (exploitation de Renazé) aux Archives départementales de la Mayenne, 1969
Scope and content / AbstractExamples:
General policy files and registers of the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Housing and Local Government relating to extinguishment of tithe rent charges. The files contain information about grants to local authorities, rates and rate refunds, and evidence submitted to the Royal Commission on Tithe Rent-charge in 1934. The registers contain records of payments of grants to various authorities from 1938 to 1955 under the Tithe Act 1936
Where appropriate, record the authority by which the action has been taken.
Files of every tenth year have been retained
All files are kept permanently under the National Archives of Malaysia ruling: "Permanent retention of records dated before 31.12.1948"
Très peu d'éliminations ont été effectuées au cours du classement de ce fonds : seuls les brouillon informes ou illisibles, les formulaires vierges ou en exemplaires multiples en ont fait l'objet. Globalement, ces éliminations n'ont pas dépassé la valeur d'une liasse
Records from the Office of the Ceremonials Assistant are transferred to the archives five years following the academic year to which the records relate. On average, 40 cm of records are transferred to the archives annually on Aug. 1
Accruals are expected
Records are maintained according to their original provenance, the direct result of organizational activity of the organizing body: the High Commissioner's Office
Files arranged alphabetically by file title. A subseries of 17 files (numbered 163/1-17) depend on file 163, dealing with the purchase of the Seaford Dock
Chronological/enclosure number within file
Le plan de classement adopté est le suivant : administration, comptabilité et finances, personnel, fonctionnement, matériel d'exploitation et outillage, propriétés immobilières, entreprises absorbées
Legal statusExamples:
Public records transferred under section 4(1) of the Public Records Act 1958
Transferred under the National Archives Act, No. 44/1966
Archives publiques consécutivement au don
No access may be given to the material without the written permission of the director of the firm
Family correspondence closed until 2010
All records subject to Access to Information and Privacy Act
No access until microfilmed
Accessible to all registered researchers
La majorité des documents contenus dans ce fonds est librement consultable. Néanmoins, la communication de certains dossiers relatifs au personnel est soumise à des conditions ou à des délais de consultation particuliers
Rights held by CHYZ-TV
No reproduction without permission of the president of the company
Photographs may be copied for reference purposes only. Use of photographs in a publication cannot be made without written permission of Kenneth McAllister
Malaysia copyright Act of 1987 records in public domain, reproduction with permission of the National Archives of Malaysia
In Portuguese
Main text in Latin; endorsements in Norman French
In English
Images faded
Legible under ultraviolet light only
Box list
Detailed finding aid available; file level control
Finding aid: Records of Parks Canada (RG84) / Gabrielle Blais. (General inventory series / Federal Archives Division). Ottawa : Public Archives of Canada, 1985
Geographical index
Correspondence index to 1880
Descriptive Lists, High Commissioner's Office Records
Répertoire numérique du fonds 234 J. Société ardoisière de l'Anjou. Exploitation de Renazé / Isabelle LAS. (Archives du pays bleu / Archives départementales de la Mayenne). Laval : Archives départementales de la Mayenne, 1922. Comprend notamment un glossaire des termes techniques de l'industrie ardoisière
Location of originalsExamples:
Original in National Archives of Canada, C2358
Originals destroyed after microfilming, 1981
Originals retained by the Society of Friends, Newcastle upon Tyne (access by permission from the Secretary)
Originals in Headquarters, National Archives of Malaysia
Diaries and correspondence also available on microfilm
Films also available on videocassette
These include many stray medieval accounts similar to material in E101 and SC6
For further documents concerning the Queen's Jointure see LR5
Related series: In-letters from the Office of the General Manager
Files related to trades, rubber exports, etc., e.g., Export of rubber - S of S 116/15; Export of rubber to Italy and France - H.C.O. 288/15; Shipment of rubber approved by Rubber Export Committee - S of S 388/15; Agriculture Bulletin - Misc. 390/15; Exportation of rubber to Canada - S of S 402/15; Rubber shipment: 7 ton from Harrison and Crossfield to Alcan & Co., Paris, in June - S of S 938/15; Shipment of rubber to New York per SS Indrawadi on 6.9.1915 -H.C.O. 1981/15
Sources complémentaires mentionnées dans l'instrument de recherche imprimé
Ernest Buckler fonds held by the Public Archives of Nova Scotia
Files relating to trades, customs and excise, rubber exports, estimates, annual reports, etc. at the National Archives of Malaysia Branch Offices
Sources complémentaires mentionnées dans l'instrument de recherche imprimé
Folios 23-24 published in Chronicon Petriburgense ed. T Stapleton (1849), pp. 176-182
Bibliographie dans l'instrument de recherche