Cross-browsing subject gateways with the Dewey Decimal
Classification in the Renardus Service
Michael Day
UKOLN, University of Bath

Demonstration for the JISC Terminology Services Workshop, London, 13 February 2004

What is the Renardus service?
- A broker service that integrates access to European subject
- Developed by a research project funded 2000-2002 by the
European Commission as part of the Information Society Technologies (IST)
- Managed by participating gateways through the Renardus
- Operational service hosted by Goettingen State and University
Library (SUB)
What are subject gateways?
- Discovery services that give access to high-quality Web
- Selective (defined criteria)
- Based on resource description (metadata)
- Search and browse facilities
- Use subject classification for subject browsing
- Many examples: RDN (UK), EdNA Online (Australia), etc.
Participating gateways
- DAINet - German Agricultural Information Network
- Denmark's Electronic Research Library (DEF)
- DutchESS - Dutch Electronic Subject Service
- Finnish Virtual Library (FVL), NOVAGate
- Online dissertations (Die Deutsche Bibliothek)
- Resource Discovery Network (RDN)
- SSGFI gateways at SUB Goettingen (Anglistik Guide, Geo-Guide, History
Guide, MathGuide)
- Uses the Z39.50 protocol
- Renardus application profile:
- Based on the Dublin Core Metadata Element Set (DCMES)
- Added element:
- Mandatory elements:
- Identifier, Title, Description, Subject .
Search example
- Simple search for "palaeontology"
- Renardus searches each participating gateway using the Z39.50
- Retrieves hits from multiple gateways:
- RDN (129)
- Geo-Guide (123)
- NOVAGate (2)
- DutchESS (1)
- FVL (1)
- Displays results (detailed or brief)
Linking to resources
- The results display the URL of the described resource as a
- Users can also refer to the richer metadata record provided by
the participating gateway
- The level of detail varies .
- Link to Renardus Service
Advanced searching
- Search options:
- Simple Boolean AND/OR searching on the content of individual
- Title, Subject, Description, Creator, DDC Classification,
Document Type
- Term selection help
- For the elements: Title, DDC Classification, Subject and Type,
a "term selection window" opens in some browsers to indicate terms that
are already included in gateway indexes
- Other options:
- Limit (filter) search by Document Type, Language, or
- Display options and search timeout
- Select which gateways to search
- Enhanced subject access a key part of the services offered by
subject gateways
- Subject gateways, however, use many different subject
- Some 'home-grown'
- Others based on (or adapted from) standards
- Subject schemes in use within Renardus:
- Nederlandse Basisclassificatie - DutchESS
- AGRIS main subject categories - NOVAGate
- Göttinger Online-Klassifikation (GOK) - Geo-Guide, Anglistik
Guide, History Guide
- DDC - parts of RDN
- Universal Decimal Classification (UDC) - parts of RDN
- Mathematics Subject Classification (MSC) -MathGuide
- etc.
- Also much variation in the depth of browsing structure (between 1 and
5 levels), although most are shallow
- Given this variety, how could browsing across the content of
gateways be done in the broker service?
- Answer = mapping local schemes to a universal classification
- For this, the Renardus project chose the Dewey Decimal
Classification (DDC):
- Available online (WebDewey)
- Covers all subjects, is frequently updated, has global use,
- Negotiated a research license from OCLC Forest Press
Classification mapping
- General approach:
- Mapping to local browse system, not to individual
- The mapping is one-way only, from the DDC to the local
browsing system
- Mappings move from top levels of browse structures before
moving progressively down it
- Mapping relationships:
- Simple equivalence between terms not expected
- Five mapping relationships
- Fully equivalent (=)
- Narrower equivalent (>)
- Broader equivalent (<)
- Major overlap (MJ)
- Minor overlap (MN)
- Syntax:
- LN (Local classification notation)
LC (Local classification caption)
RL (Relationship code, i.e. =, >, <, MJ, or MN)
DN (DDC notation)
DC (DDC caption)
UR (Local browsing URL for the class)
NT (Notes)
:RE: (Record end)
- Technical solutions:
- Mapping tool developed by the German CARMEN project
- Participating gateways provide a machine-readable version of
the classification scheme in use
- The tool (with WebDewey) facilitates the production of the
mapping information in the correct syntax
- Link to image of the Renardus mapping tool
Using the mapping information
- In Renardus, the DDC mapping information provides:
- The basis of the cross-browse feature
- Information for the advanced search feature, e.g. search by
DDC Classification
- The DDC browse structure forms the core part of the Renardus
Service Web page
- Link to Renardus Service
Cross-browsing in Renardus
- Based on a two-step process
- first browsing within the DDC structure on the Renardus Web
- Then linking directly to the browse structures in local
- Called "Browse and jump"
- Interface issues
- Visual inconsistency
- No clear path back to Renardus from the local gateways
Browsing example
- Browsing for information on 'mineralogy':
- Link to Renardus Service
- Select "science" in first browse level
- Note broader equivalent mapping to "Technology and Natural
Sciences" (DEF)
- Then select "chemistry" .
- Again, note narrower and broader equivalents .
- Then select "mineralogy"
- Fully equivalent to "Mineralogy: General" in GOK (Geo-Guide),
"Mineralogy" in FVL
- A narrower equivalent is "Mineral paragenesis" in GOK
- Major overlap with "Mineralogie, Boden-, Gesteins- und
Lagerstättenkunde" in DDB online dissertations
- Selecting the link takes the user to the relevant part of the
browse hierarchy in the local gateway
- This is known as "browse and jump"
Navigational support
- Need for additional navigational support in large browsing
- Renardus developed some experimental features
Finding a different start-page
- It is possible to find a different page in the browse
structure, by entering a term in the search box available on each browsing
- This takes you to a results page that links to the HTML and
graphical overview versions of the Renardus browse hierarchy
- Link to Renardus Service
Graphical Navigation Overview
- Gives a 'fisheye' view of the DDC browse hierarchy
- Allows users to see the browse term (highlighted in red)
together with related terms in surrounding classes
- Terms with content (highlighted in blue) link to the relevant
page in the Renardus browse hierarchy
- Link to Renardus Service
- A short cut to viewing individual resource descriptions from
all related collections
- Similar to "DDC Classification" search in advanced search
- Link to Renardus Service
- Usability of broker:
- Interface consistency
- Navigation in large structures
- Maintenance issues:
- Maintenance of mappings (subject gateways are always
- Maintenance of links to browse hierarchy in each gateway
(e.g., when gateways restructure)
Future developments
- Multilinguality
- Because DDC has been translated into many languages, it is
possible to add other language versions of the browse system into
- Successfully implemented in the Renardus testbed
- Automatic classification
- Support for mapping process
More information on Renardus:
- Renardus Service:
- Koch, T., Neuroth, H. & Day, M. (2003). "Renardus: Cross-browsing
European subject gateways via a common classification system (DDC)." In:
McIlwaine, I.C. (ed.) Subject retrieval in a networked world:
of the IFLA Satellite Meeting held in Dublin, OH, 14-16 August 2001.
(UBCIM Publications, New Series, Vol. 25). München: K.G. Saur, 25-33.
Preprint available at:
- Huxley, L., Carpenter, L. & Peereboom, M. (2003). "The Renardus broker
service: collaborative frameworks and tools." Electronic Library,
- Huxley, L. (2002). "Renardus: following the fox from project to
In: Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Technology : 6th
Conference, ECDL 2002, Rome, Italy, September 16-18, 2002.
(Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2458). Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag,
- Neuroth, H. & Koch, T. (2001). "Metadata mapping and application
approaches to providing the cross-searching of heterogeneous resources in
the EU project Renardus." DC-2001: International Conference on Dublin Core
and Metadata Applications 2001, Tokyo, Japan, 24-26 October 2001.
- Heery, R., Carpenter, L & Day, M. (2001). "Renardus project
and the wider digital library context." D-Lib Magazine,7(4).

Web page content by Michael Day of UKOLN
Page last revised on:
[UKOLN] [Metadata]