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Discovering Online Resources. References and Further Reading

Compiled by
Daniel Greenstein, Arts and Humanities Data Service Executive and
Paul Miller, Archaeology Data Service (


  1. References in text
  2. Metadata and the Dublin Core
  3. AHDS/UKOLN workshops
  4. Bibligraphic documentation standards considered or reviewed by the AHDS/UKOLN workshops
  5. Non-bibligraphic documentation standards considered or reviewed by the AHDS/UKOLN workshops
  6. Controlled vocabularies considered or reviewed by the AHDS/UKOLN workshops
  7. The Z39.50 network applications protocol

1 References in text

AHDS, 1997. The Arts and Humanities Data Service World Wide Web home page. Arts and Humanities Data Service

Allen, J. and P. Faltstrom, no date. "The Common Indexing Protocol (CIP)" <draft-ietf-find-new- cip-00.txt> Internet draft, expired

British Standards Institute, 1994. BS 7666 Part 3: Spatial Data-Sets for Geographic Referencing. Specification of Addresses. British Standards Institute

Chappell, C. and S. Anderson, 1997. "Discovering Digital Resources: A Workshop for Historians". History Data Service

CEN, 1997. CEN/ TC 287 - Geographic Information - World Wide Web home page. Comité Européen de Normalisation

CIMI, 1997. Consortium for the Interchange of Museum Information World Wide Web home page. Consortium for the Interchange of Museum Information

Data Archive, 1997a. BIRON World Wide Web Search Interface. Data Archive

Data Archive, 1997b. CESSDA IDC World Wide Web Search Interface. CESSDA/ Data Archive

Data Documentation Initiative Committee, 1997. "The Data Documentation Initiative. Proposal for an SGML Document Type Definition for Data Documentation"

Day, M., 1997. "Metadata: Mapping Between Metadata Formats". UK Office for Library and Information Networking
<URL: metadata/interoperability/>

Dempsey, L., 1996. "ROADS to Desire: some UK and other European Metadata and Resource Discovery Projects", D-Lib Magazine
<URL: july96/07/dempsey.html>

Dempsey, L. and R. Heery, 1997. "Metadata: An Overview of Current Resource Description Practice". Peer review draft of deliverable for Work Package 3 of Telematics for Research project DESIRE

Dempsey, L. and R. Heery, forthcoming. "Metadata: A Current Review of Practice and Issues", Journal of Documentation

Dempsey, L. and R. Russell, 1996. "National Resource Discovery Workshop: Organising Access to Scholarly Printed Materials". UK Office for Library and Information Networking

Dempsey, L. and R. Russell, 1997. "Clumps... or organised access to the printed scholarly record", Program, 31/3, 239-249

Duffy, C. and C. Owen, 1997a. "Resource Discovery Workshops: Moving Image Resources". Performing Arts Data Service

Duffy, C. and C. Owen, 1997b. "Resource Discovery Workshops: Sound Resources". Performing Arts Data Service

EAD, 1997. "The Encoded Archival Description Document Type Definition"

eLib, 1997. Electronic Libraries Programme World Wide Web home page. Electronic Libraries Programme

Falstrom, P., M. Hamilton, L. Daigle and J. Knight, 1997. "WHOIS++ Templates"
<Filename: draft-ietf-asid-whois-schema-01.txt>. UKOLN Internet draft.

FGDC, 1997. "Content Standards for Digital Geospatial Metadata". Revised draft for peer review, April 1997. Federal Geographic Data Committee

Getty Information Institute, 1997a. The Art and Architecture Thesaurus Browser. World Wide Web search interface. Getty Information Institute

Getty Information Institute, 1997b. The Union List of Artists Names Browser. World Wide Web search interface. Getty Information Institute

Gill, T., C. Grout and L. Smith, 1997. "Visual Arts, Museums, and Cultural Heritage Information Standards: A Domain-Specific View of Relevant Standards for Networked Information Discovery". Visual Arts Data Service

Giordano, R., 1996. "Recommended Mappings: OTA Header/ USMARC/ Dublin Core elements". Unpublished report, University of Manchester. Internal Oxford Text Archive reference OTA.941025:01

Gorman, M. and P. W. Winkler, eds., 1988. Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules, 2nd ed. (Canadian Library Association, Library Association, and American Library Association)

Grout, C. and T. Gill, 1997. "Visual Arts, Museums, and Cultural Heritage Metadata Workshop Report". Visual Arts Data Service

Guenther, R., 1997. "Dublin Core Qualifiers/ Substructure: A Proposal" <URL:>

Harpring, P., 1997. "Proper Words in Proper Places: the Thesaurus of Geographical Names", MDA Information 2/3. Museum Documentation Association

International Council on Archives Ad Hoc Commission on Descriptive Standards, 1997. "ISAD(G): General International Standard Archival Description"

ISO, 1997. ISO/ TC211 - Geographic Information/ Geomatics - World Wide Web home page. International Organisation for Standardisation

JISC, 1997. Joint Information Systems Committee World Wide Web home page. Joint Information Systems Committee

Jones, M., 1997. "Resource discovery within the Performing Arts". Performing Arts Data Service

Kay, D. and P. Brophy, 1997. "National Agency for Resource Discovery (NARD). Scoping Study. Final Draft". Study Commissioned by the Joint Information Systems Committee

Knight, J. and M. Hamilton, 1997. "Dublin Core Qualifiers". ROADS

Knight, J. and M. Hamilton, 1995, "The Use of Centroids in the ROADS Project". ROADS

Lagoze, C., C.A. Lynch and R. Daniel, 1996, "The Warwick Framework: A Container Architecture for Aggregating Sets of Metadata"

Lagoze, C., 1997. "From Static to Dynamic Surrogates: Resource Discovery in the Digital Age", D-Lib Magazine

Library of Congress, 1996. "Z39.50 Profile for Access to Digital Collections". Draft for review. Library of Congress
<URL: http://lcweb.>

Library of Congress, 1997a. Z39.50 Maintenance Agency World Wide Web home page. Library of Congress

Library of Congress, 1997b. MARC World Wide Web home page. Library of Congress

Library of Congress, 1997c. "Library of Congress Subject Headings". Library of Congress

Library of Congress, 1997d. "The Z39.50 Profile for Access to Digital Collections". Library of Congress

Miller, P., 1997. "Resource Discovery Workshops: A Guide to Implementation and Participation". Arts and Humanities Data Service

Miller, P. and T. Gill, 1997. "Down Under with the Dublin Core", Ariadne 8

Miller, P. and A. Wise, 1997. "Resource Discovery Workshops: Final Report from the Archaeology Data Service". Archaeology Data Service

NGDF, 1997. National Geospatial Data Framework World Wide Web home page. National Geospatial Data Framework

OCLC, 1996a. Dewey Decimal Classification and Relative Index, 21st ed. Online Computer Library Center, Inc.

OCLC, 1996b. DDC 21 Summaries. Online Computer Library Center, Inc.

Panotzki, P., 1996. "Complexity of the Common Indexing Protocol: Predicting Search Times in Index Server Meshes". Unpublished MSc thesis, School of Computer Science and Engineering, Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden

Popham, M., J. Fix and A. Morrison, 1997, "Metadata for Electronic Texts Workshop Report". Oxford Text Archive

Powell, A., 1997. "Metadata management". Presentation at "Metadata - What is it?", Church House, Westminster, London, 18 June 1997

RLG, 1997. Research Libraries Group World Wide Web home page. Research Libraries Group

TEI, 1994. Guidelines for electronic text encoding and interchange, part 3. Text Encoding Initiative

Tennant, R., 1997. "Dublin Core Resource Types"

UK National Networking Demonstrator Project, 1997. UK National Networking Demonstrator Project

UKOLN, 1997. UK Office for Library and Information Networking World Wide Web home page. UK Office for Library and Information Networking

W3C, 1997a. Resource Description Framework World Wide Web home page. World Wide Web Consortium

W3C, 1997b. "HTML 4.0 Working Draft release". World Wide Web Consortium

W3C, 1997c. World Wide Web Consortium World Wide Web home page. World Wide Web Consortium

W3C, 1997d. "Web Collections Using XML". Working draft document. World Wide Web Consortium

2 Metadata and the Dublin Core

2.1. The Dublin Core workshop series

2.1.1 Metadata Workshop I, March 1995, sponsored by Online Computer Library Center (OCLC) and the National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA)

Stuart Weibel, "Metadata: The Foundations of Resource Description", D-Lib Magazine (July 1995)

Stuart Weibel, Jean Godby, Eric Miller, and Ron Daniel, "OCLC/NCSA Metadata Workshop Report" (March 1995)

2.1.2 Metadata Workshop II, April 1996, sponsored by OCLC and the UK Office for Library and Information Networking (UKOLN)

Lou Burnard, Eric Miller, Liam Quin, and C M Sperberg-McQueen, "A Syntax for Dublin Core Metadata: Recommendations from the Second Metadata Workshop" (April 1996)
<URL: http://www.uic.educ/~cmsmcq/tech/metadata.syntax.html>

Lorcan Dempsey and Stuart Weibel, "The Warwick Metadata Workshop: A Framework for the Deployment of Resource Description", D-Lib Magazine (July/August 1996)

Carl Lagoze, "The Warwick Framework: A Container Architecture for Diverse Sets of Metadata", D-Lib Magazine (July/August 1996)

Carl Lagoze, Clifford A Lynch, and Ron Daniel Jr., "The Warwick Framework: A Container Architecture for Aggregating Sets of Metadata" (June 1996)

2.1.3 Metadata Workshop III, September 1996, sponsored by the Coalition for Networked Information (CNI) and OCLC

"CNI/OCLC Workshop on Metadata for Networked Images Executive Summary" (1996)

Stuart Weibel and Eric Miller, "Image Description on the Internet: A Summary of the CNI/OCLC Image Metadata Workshop, September 24 - 25, 1996, Dublin, Ohio", D-Lib Magazine (Jan 1997)

2.1.4 Metadata Workshop IV, March 1997, sponsored by National Library of Australia, Distributed Systems Technology Centre, and OCLC

Rachel Heery, Paul Miller, Tony Gill, and Dave Beckett, "The 4th Dublin Core Workshop. (DC Down Under)... Notes from UK Participants" (March 1997)

Paul Miller and Tony Gill, "Down Under with the Dublin Core", Ariadne, 8(March 1997)

Stuart Weibel, Renato Iannella, and Warwick Cathro, "The 4th Dublin Core Metadata Workshop Report", D-Lib Magazine (June 1997)

2.2 Other Dublin Core and metadata information resources

Thomas Baker, "Metadata Semantics Shared Across Languages: Dublin Cores in Languages other than English" (April 1997)

Michael Day, "Extending Metadata for Digital Preservation", Ariadne, 9 ( May 1997)

Lorcan Dempsey, "Meta Detectors", Ariadne, 3(May 1996)

Lorcan Dempsey, "ROADS to Desire: Some UK and Other European Metadata and Resource Discovery Projects", D-Lib Magazine (July/August 1996)

Lorcan Dempsey and Rachel Heery, "Metadata: a current review of practice and issues", Journal of Documentation (forthcoming)

Lorcan Dempsey and Rachel Heery, "A Review of Metadata: A Survey of Current Resource Description Formats" (March 1997)

"The Dublin Core Metadata Element Set Home Page" maintained by Stuart Weibel and Eric Miller, OCLC

Rebecca Guenther, "Dublin Core Qualifiers/Substructure: A Proposal", (April 1997) <URL:>

International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions, "Digital Libraries: Metadata Resources"

Jon Knight and Martin Hamilton, "Dublin Core Qualifiers. Draft" (February 1997)

Jon Knight, "Making a MARC with Dublin Core", Ariadne, 8(March 1997)

Jon Knight, "Will Dublin form the Apple Core?", Ariadne, 7(January 1997)

Carl Lagoze, "From Static to Dynamic Surrogates: Resource Discovery in the Digital Age", D-Lib Magazine (June 97)

Clifford Lynch, "Searching the Internet", Scientific American (March 1997)

"Metadata Resources" maintained by Michael Day and Andy Powell, UK Office for Library and Information Networking

Paul Miller, "Metadata for the Masses", Ariadne, 5(September 1996)

Andy Powell, "Dublin Core Management", Ariadne, 10(July 1997)

Andy Powell, "Metadata management". Presentation at "Metadata - What is it?", Church House, Westminster, London, 18 June 1997

C M Sperberg-McQueen, "On Information Factoring in Dublin Metadata Records" (April 1996)

Terence R Smith, "The Meta-Information Environment of Digital Libraries", D-Lib Magazine (July/August 1996)

R.Tennant, "Dublin Core Resource Types" (1997)

UK Office for Library and Information Networking, "Metadata"

2.3. Mapping Dublin Core

Day, M., 1997. "Metadata: mapping between metadata formats". UK Office for Library and Information Networking.

2.3.1. From Dublin Core to IAFA/ROADS templates

Michael Day, "Interoperability between ROADS/IAFA Templates and the Dublin Metadata Core Element Set. Mapping Dublin Core to ROADS templates" (February 1997)

Michael Day, "Interoperability between ROADS/IAFA Templates and the Dublin Metadata Core Element Set. Mapping ROADS/IAFA Templates to Dublin Core" (February 1997)

2.3.2. From Dublin Core to MARC

Michael Day, "Mapping Dublin Core to UNIMARC" (July 1997)

"Mapping the Dublin Core Metadata Elements to USMARC", MARBI Discussion Paper, 86 (May 5, 1995)
<URL: gopher://>

"Metadata, Dublin Core, and USMARC: A Review of Current Efforts", MARBI Discussion Paper, 99 (January 21, 1997)
<URL: gopher://>

Eric Miller, "Monticello Electronic Library: Dublin Core Element Set Crosswalk" (April 1997)

Network Development and MARC Standards Office, "Dublin Core/MARC/GILS Crosswalk" (April 1997)

2.3.3. From Dublin Core to Z39.50 tag set G

Ray Denneberg, "DC to Z39.50 Mapping" (February 1997)

2.3.4. From SOIF to Dublin Core

Andy Powell, "Mapping SOIF to Dublin Core" (March 1997)

3 AHDS/UKOLN workshops

3.1 Workshop inputs

Lorcan Dempsey, Daniel Greenstein, and Jennifer Trant, "Proposal to Identify Shared Metadata for Information Discovery. The Arts and Humanities Data Service and the UK Office for Library and Information Networking" (November 1996)

Jim Ballantyne, "Moving Image Collections. Summary Document on Standards and Practice" (April 1997)

Lou Burnard and Richard Light, "Three SGML metadata formats: TEI, EAD, and CIMI. A Study for BIBLINK Work Package 1.1" (December 1996)

Tony Gill, Catherine Grout, and Louise Smith, "Visual Arts, Museums, and Cultural Heritage Information Standards: A Domain-Specific Review of Relevant Standards for Networked Information Discovery" (March 1997)

Richard Giordano, "Recommended Mappings OTA Header / USMARC / Dublin Core Elements" (Manchester, University of Manchester Department of Computer Science, 1996). Unpublished documentation available from the Oxford Text Archive, Document ref: OTA.941025:01.

Malcolm Jones, "Resource Discovery Within the Performing Arts" (April 1997)

Paul Miller, "An Application of Dublin Core from the Archaeology Data Service. Draft" (July 1996)

Paul Miller, "Metadata for the Masses", Ariadne, 5 (September 1996)

Paul Miller, "Resource Discovery Workshops: A Guide to Implementation and Participation" (February 1997)

Alicia Wise and Paul Miller, "Why Metadata Matters in Archaeology", Internet Archaeology, 2 (Spring 1997)

3.2. Workshop outputs

Cressida Chappell and Sheila Anderson, "Discovering Digital Resources: A Workshop for Historians. A Report from the Resource Discovery Workshop Organised by the History Data Service, and held at the University of Essex, 18th and 19th April 1997" (August 1997)

Celia Duffy and Catherine Owen, "Resource Discovery Workshops: Moving Image Resources. Report from the Performing Arts Data Service. Final Draft" (July 1997)

Celia Duffy and Catherine Owen, "Resource Discovery Workshops: Sound Resources. Report from the Performing Arts Data Service. Final Draft" (July 1997)

Catherine Grout and Tony Gill, "Visual Arts, Museums, and Cultural Heritage Metadata Workshop Final Report" (August 1997)

Paul Miller and Alicia Wise, "Resource Discovery Workshops: Final Report from the Archaeology Data Service" (August 1997)

Michael Popham, Alan Morrison, and Jakob Fix, "Metadata for Electronic Texts: A Report of the Results of the Metadata Workshop Organized by the Oxford Text Archive in Oxford, 2nd May 1997" (1997)

4 Bibligraphic documentation standards considered or reviewed by the AHDS/UKOLN workshops

The UKMARC Manual: A Cataloguer's Guide to the Bibliographic Format. 3rd ed. (Boston Spa, The British Library, 1996)

The UNIMARC Manual: Bibliographic Format. 2nd ed. (Munich, K.G.Saur, 1994)

The USMARC format is available from the Library of Congress Web site
<URL:> and dependent html files.

Ellen Gredley, Exchanging Bibliographic Data : MARC and Other International Formats (London, Library Association, 1990)

5 Non-bibligraphic documentation standards considered or reviewed by the AHDS/UKOLN workshops

J Bower and A Roberts, eds., "Developments in Museum and Cultural Heritage Information Standards: A Joint Project of the Getty Information Institute and the International Committee for Documentation of the International Council of Museums" (1995)

The International Committee for Documentation of the International Council of Museums (ICOM-CIDOC) /Le Comité international pour la documentation du Conseil international des musées (ICOM-CIDOC)

AFRICOM Inventory Working Group, "Introduction to the Standardization of Collection Inventories in Africa: The AFRICOM Handbook of Standards" (1996)

Archaeological Sites Working Group, "Draft International Core Data Standard for Archaeological Sites and Monuments" (1995)

Ethnography Working Group, "International Core Data Standard for Ethnology/Ethnography" (1996)

"International Guidelines for Museum Object Information: The CIDOC Information Categories" (1996)

Consortium for Interchange of Museum Information (CIMI)

David Bearman and John Perkins, "Standards Framework for the Computer Interchange of Museum Information. 1st Edition" (May 1993)

A G Curwen, ISBD Manual: A Guide... (Paris, UNESCO, 1990)

Jan Dahlin, "Archival Descriptive Standards", Fontes Artis Musicae, 43:3(July-September 1996)

Encoded Archival Description (EAD)

Daniel Pitti, "The Berkeley Finding Aid Project: Standards in Navigation" in Filling the Pipeline and Paying the Piper (Washington, D.C., Association of Research Libraries, 1995), 161-166. cf. "Encoded Archival Description (EAD) DTD" (1997)
<URL:> and "Encoded Archival Description (EAD) Overview" (1996)

Daniel Pitti, "Encoding Standard for Electronic Finding Aids: A Report by the Bentley Group for Encoded Archival Description Development', Archival Outlook (January 1996), 10-13

Federal Geographic Data Committee, "Content Standards for Digital Geospatial Metadata." Revised draft for peer review (April 1997)

Getty Information Institute, "Categories for Description of Works of Art" (1996)

The International Association of Music Libraries, Archives and Documentation Centres (IAML)

IAML Working Group on the Core Bibliographic Record for Music and Sound Recordings, "Core Bibliographic Record for Printed Music: A Proposal", IAML UK Newsletter (January 1997)

"LIPS : Library and Information Plan for Music: Written Statement" (IAML-UK, 1993). Available from IAML Publications Officer Alex Garden, Old Church Cottage, 29 Church Road, Rufford, Ormskirk, Lancashire L40 1TA, UK

International Council on Archives (ICA)

"ISAD(G): General International Standard Archival Description," (1997)

Sabine Lenk, "Some Thoughts on Accessing Film Collections", Journal of Film Preservation, 25:52(April 1996)

Library Association Media Cataloging Rules Committee, Non-Book Materials Cataloging Rules (London, Library Association, 1973)

Museum Documentation Association (MDA)

SPECTRUM: The UK Museum Documentation Standard (1994)

National Geospatial Data Framework

C F Peters, Code International de Catalogage de la Musique. 5 vols. (Frankfurt am Main, 1957-1979)

William J Quinly and Alma M Tillin, eds., Standards for Cataloging Non-Print Materials. An Interpretation and Practical Application. 4th ed. (Association for Educational Communications and Technology, 1976)

Brian Redfern, Organising Music in Libraries 2nd ed. (London, Clive Bingley, 1979)

Royal Commission for the Historical Monuments of England and the Association of County Archaeological Officers, Recording England's Past: A Data Standard for the Extended National Archaeological Record (1993)

The Scottish Cultural Resource Access Network (SCRAN)

Ian O Morrison, "SCRAN Data Standard" (March 1997)

Olwen Terris, "Cataloguing from Secondary Sources", FIAF Cataloguing Commission Occasional Paper, 5(March 1994)

The Text Encoding Initiative (TEI)

Richard Giordano, The TEI Header and the Documentation of Electronic Texts, Computers and the Humanities, 29:1(1995), 75-84.

Nancy Ide and Jean Veronis, eds., Text Encoding Initiative: Background and Context (Kluwer, 1996)

C M Sperberg-McQueen and Lou Burnard, Guidelines for Electronic Text Encoding and Interchange (P3) (Chicago and Oxford, ACH-ALLC-ACL and Text Encoding Initiative, 1994) cf.

Visual Resources Association, "The VRA Core Categories"

6 Controlled vocabularies considered or reviewed by the AHDS/UKOLN workshops

Anglo-American cataloguing rules. 2nd ed. (London, Library Association, 1988)

Federal Geographic Data Committee, Content Standards for Digital Geospatial Metadata (June 1994)

Getty Information Institute (GII)

Union List of Artists' Names

The Art and Architecture Thesaurus

A Guide to the Description of Architectural Drawings (G Hall & Co., 1994)

David Grenfell, ed., Rules for Use in the Cataloguing Department of the National Film Archive. 5th ed. (London, British Film Institute, 1960)

P Harpring, "Proper Words in Proper Places. The Thesaurus of Geographic Names", Museums Documentation Association Information, 2:3(1997), 5-12

Harriet W Harrison, ed., FIAF Cataloguing Rules for Film Archives (K.G. Saur, 1991)


C Lavell, "British Archaeological Thesaurus", Council for British Archaeology Practical Handbook, 4(1989)

Library of Congress Subject Headings. 16th ed. (Library of Congress, 1993), and

Museum Documentation Association (MDA)

Social History and Industrial Classification (SHIC) Working Party, Social History and Industrial Classification (SHIC): A Subject Classification for Museum Collections. 2nd ed. (MDA, 1994)

Survey of Terminology in UK Museums (1996)

Simple Subject Headings (no date)

Archaeology Object Name Thesaurus (forthcoming)

wordHOARD (1996)

Royal Commission for the Historical Monuments of England, Thesaurus of Building Materials: A Standard for Use in Architectural and Archaeological Records (Royal Commission on the Historical Monuments of England, 1996)

Royal Commission for the Historical Monuments of England and English Heritage, Thesaurus of Monument Types (Royal Commission on the Historical Monuments of England, 1995)

Minnie Earl Sears and Barbara M Westby, eds., Sears List of Subject Headings. 12th ed. (New York, H W Wilson, 1982)

Universal Decimal Classification. Abridged Version (London, British Standards Institution, 1960)

7 The Z39.50 network applications protocol

Eliot Christian, "Highlights Related to the Government Information Locator Service (GILS): Toward a Global Information Locator", D-Lib Magazine (March 1996)

Sebastian Hammer and John Favaro, "Z39.50 and the World Wide Web", D-Lib Magazine (March 1996)

Lorcan Dempsey, Rosemary Russell, and John Kirriemuir, "Towards Distributed Library Systems: Z39.50 in a European Context", Program: Electronic Library and Information Systems, 30:1(January 1996)

Ray Denenberg, "Structuring and Indexing the Internet" (paper presented to the Workshop on Earth Observation Catalogue Interoperability sponsored by the European Space Agency and EC Centre for Earth Observation, 14-15 November 1996, in Ispra, Varese, Italy)

Ray Denenberg, "Z39.50 Recent Developments and Future Prospects" (paper presented at the September 30, 1996 Z39.50 Seminar at the Royal Library of Belgium)

"European Projects Involving Z39.50" maintained by Rosemary Russell, UK Office for Library and Information Networking

Susannah Iltis, "Z39.50" (March 1995)

"Internet Searching with Z39.50" maintained by Mark Kelly

"Library of Congress Web/Z39.50 Gateway" maintained by the Library of Congress

Clifford Lynch, "The Z39.50 Information Retrieval Standard, Part I: A Strategic View of Its Past, Present and Future", D-Lib Magazine (April 1997)

Sandra D. Payette and Oya Y. Rieger, "Z39.50: The User's Perspective", D-Lib Magazine (April 1997)

Margaret St. Pierre, "Z39.50 Explained" (May 1997)

Fay Turner, "An Overview of the Z39.50 Information Retrieval Standard", International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions, UDT Ocassional Paper, 3(July 1995)

Andrew Wood, "Z39.50 Client Reviews Z39.50 and the World Wide Web" (September 1996)

"Z39.50 Information Resources" maintained by Fay Turner, National Library of Canada

"Z39.50 Maintenance Agency Home Page", Library of Congress

"Z39.50 Resources - A Pointer Page" compiled from July 1995 by Robert Waldstein, Lucent Technologies

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